Chapter 7

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Marinette's POV

"The hotel has got a problem." Chloe said to me while gathering her things. "And you need to come with me since it pertains to you."

"Where do you think you are going Chloe?" Ms. Bustier asked with her hands on her hips.

"There's a problem at the hotel that my father wants me to help with to prepare for taking over the hotel after I graduate." Chloe answered with a huff. "Is that enough of an answer?"

"And why does Marinette need to go with you, last I knew the two of you hated each other." Ms. Bustier continued.

"Because I'm living at the hotel, and apparently the problem pertains to me." I spoke up. "Now we are leaving, try to stop us and I'll gladly fight you."

"Why are you living at the hotel?" Ms. Bustier questioned.

"None of your business." I answered, heading for the door with Chloe beside me.

"I did not give you permission to leave yet." Ms. Bustier said, moving to block us but I was already opening the door.

When she tried to shove it shut her pushing on it had no effect, so Chloe and I got out without any issues that we'd have to deal with right away. We exited the school to find the limo already waiting, but when we got in somebody else was already in here.

"Zoe?" Chloe questioned surprised, a little tension forming in her body language.

"Yeah, Mom called me back." The girl answered. "Who's she?"

"The other member of the accidentally double booked room." Chloe answered for me.

"If she's just visiting then why is she at your school?" Zoe asked curiously, a little too curious for my tastes.

"Because she's not just visiting Paris, she's grown up here." Chloe answered for me again, causing me to tilt my head and look at her curiously.

"Don't look at me like that Marinette, you'd be rude with every answer if you weren't just being rude without answering." Chloe said with a sigh of annoyance. "She's my sister, so despite your recent past I don't want you being rude to her."

"You've changed, what happened Chloe?" Zoe asked, her attention finally off of me, for now at least.

"You'd have to ask Mom or Dad about that." She answered vaguely, meaning she's referring to it.

"Oh, are you talking about it, because I've been in the know about what happens for a long time now." Zoe spoke up, getting a shocked look from Chloe. "Yeah, I followed Mom one night and that's how I found out."

"Well then, I guess I won't have to keep a secret from you thankfully." Chloe said with a sigh of relief and all tension disappeared from her.

"Yeah, I knew I couldn't keep it secret from you, and both Mom and Dad knew that, that's why I was sent to the boarding school in New York." Zoe said, but I tuned out the rest of their conversation.

When we arrived back at the hotel I hopped out of the limo along with Chloe and Zoe, we were greeted in the lobby by both Andre and Audrey.

"You brought her, good, Mr. Agreste is here to discuss it with us, then we'll move onto the double booking issue." Audrey said, already heading for the elevator with all four of us tailing behind her.

We went all the way up to the top floor where Andre has his office for managing the hotel. When we entered I saw both Mr. Agreste and Adrien in there, making me uncertain of the topic of discussion. I took a closer look at Mr. Agreste and noticed his tie was covering two miraculous, but not very well.

"Hello Harbin, Dictator, Queen of Style, and Heirs of Style." Mr. Agreste greeted before he introduced himself. "You may call me Chairman, or The Moth, either works.

"How about your son, what do we call him?" I asked, stepping in front of Audrey, Chloe, and Zoe, as did Andre.

"Heir of The Moth, took a page out of your book Harbin." Mr. Agreste said, a smirk coming onto his face. "Now, the reason I'm here is because Dictator and Queen of Style want you, Harbin, to be the champion for both Heirs of Style."

"Why would we want someone our age to be our champion in such a dangerous activity?" Zoe asked confused.

"I see you have not told the second heir about Harbin's accomplishments." Mr. Agreste said intrigued.

"We haven't had the time since she just got back from New York." Audrey answered.

"May I have the honor?" Mr. Agreste asked, receiving a nod from Audrey. "You see, a little over five months ago a skinny little girl joined my little business as a champion and nobody but Queen of Style betted on her, everybody was both pissed and surprised when this rage filled girl absolutely demolished the Rookie Crusher despite the fact that he was cheating the entire time." Zoe looked at me in shock. "Since then she's quickly risen through the ranks and made a fan of all of us, she's already made it to the champion league when most people take at least a year."

"How?" Zoe asked in shock.

"Well, she's the daughter of the only other undefeated champion." Mr. Agreste answered. "Actually, tomorrow she fights her father, so two undefeated champions will enter the arena and only one will leave."

"Yes, me against your chosen champion." I spoke up.

"Sort of, you are unofficially the Heirs' champion just as he is unofficially my Heir's champion." Mr. Agreste answered. "Heir of the Moth will inherit my fashion company and place as a supporter, while my adopted daughter will take over as Chairman."

"I have a sister?" Adrien asked shocked.

"Yes, you'll meet her tomorrow night for your champion's first public fight back in the arena." Mr. Agreste answered.

"What do you mean public fight?" Audrey questioned.

"I held a private fight between Serpent and Dupain so that way Harbin's rise isn't delayed due to an unfair challenge from out of the blue." Mr. Agreste explained. "She has more than earned her right to challenge the crowned champion."

"Wait, so you're telling me that she's undefeated in the arena, how many fights has she taken part in?" Zoe questioned surprised.

"Fifty-four  fights, her fifty-fifth match is tomorrow." Mr. Agreste answered. "She's by far one of the toughest fighters that has ever graced our little exclusive party scene, she'll be the best if she beats her father who is currently the best."

"How many fights in total have you been in, not just inside the ring." Zoe asked me directly.

"I lost count some time after forty fights outside the ring." I answered. "Which puts my total up to ninety-four at the very least."

"So you are an experienced fight." Zoe commented. "Fine then, I'll decide if I want her to be my champion after watching her fight tomorrow."

"That decision is yours to make." I told her, not really caring whether or not she chooses me. "Now, I'd like to resolve the rooming issue I was informed about and then hit the gym since I've got nothing else to do today."

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