Chapter 9

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Marinette's POV

I've written a letter to myself, explaining everything that has happened in the past year and a half while leaving out the fight club, but now it's time for my final fight. Chloe, Zoe, Audrey, Andre, Mr. Agreste, Adrien, Sabine, and Alix are all in the crowd, waiting for the fight to start. Tom is in the arena with me, match hasn't been called to a start since the betting is still going on.

"Chairman, I have an extra wager between me and you!" I shouted to him, shocking everybody.

"Very well then, what is the wager since betting is still open?" Mr. Agreste asked curiously.

"If I beat Dupain I get both of the miraculouses you are hiding underneath your tie." I said, shocking him and everybody else.

"And what do you offer should you lose?" He challenged, leaning forward excitedly.

"The miraculous of creation." I said holding them up in my hands.

"Ladybug!" He shouted in shock, along with almost everybody in the crowd.

"Exactly." I said with a smirk.

"Very well then, but that is only one so how would me wagering both of mine be fair?" He asked, recovering smoothly.

"Because my miraculous is one of the two strongest, both of yours are matched by three others and outmatched by mine." I answered.

"Harbin, catch!" Adrien shouted. "Take it as an apology for what I did to you." I caught what he threw at me and realized it was the miraculous of destruction. "Now the betting is even in number since Harbin has possession of two miraculous as well!"

"Accept it!" The crowd chanted. "Go Harbin, save Paris!"

"Very well, the people have spoken, well played Ladybug." He said with a smirk on his face. "You knew that in here the crowd gets what the crowd wants, and you used that to your advantage."

"Alright, the fight will now begin!" The announcer shouted while I placed both miraculous in my pocket.

Tom didn't take a step forward, glancing between me and Mr. Agreste. I didn't give time for him to think about whether to fight or not as I lunged forward and my fist connected with his face like his did to mine five months ago.

"Fight damnit!" I shouted at him. "You were happily ready to kill me five months ago, where is all that at now?!"

"Gone, I was acting on manipulated thoughts." He said in a pleading tone, not raising his fists.

"Fight damnit!" I shouted at him again. "The only reason I didn't just throw myself off of the Eifel Tower after I lost everything was that I wanted to bash in your face until you were on deaths door and begging for forgiveness!" I screamed at him, raw emotion in my voice. "You will not take that from me too!"

I swung again, my fist breaking his nose. I went to swing again but he raised his arm to block so I pulled back before slipping between his legs across the sand and rising up to punch him in the back. He gave a howl of pain when I kicked the back of his knee making him fall to the ground. He swung his arm in a wide arc behind him blindly, so I ducked the swing and punched him in the ribs, none of them breaking but he gave another howl of pain.

"Stop, I don't want to fight you!" Tom shouted at me.

In response I kneed him in the gut and punched him in the throat, causing him to choke and gasp for air at the same time. He swung his fist and nailed me in the face, busting my nose. I stumbled back before regaining my balance and laughing.

"There it is, come on, hit me again!" I shouted at him, a laugh still in my voice.

I charged at him again and ducked his fist before getting him in the ribs again while slipping past him. I took out his knees again and circled around to knee him in the face, hard and repeatedly. He weakly put his hands up to block me but I grabbed his wrist and snapped it, everybody hearing the snap and the scream of pain. He lashed out with his other hand and punched me hard in the stomach, sending me sailing across the arena and crashing into the concrete wall. I pushed myself off the wall and charged at him again. When I got to him I took the arm of the wrist I broke and snapped his elbow, earning me another howl of pain from him. He swung at me but missed so I kneed him in the stomach again, this time hard enough to make him puke. I backed off a step and leaped over him, kicking the back of his head as hard as I could. He fell face forward and tried to push himself up, but couldn't as I kicked his good arm and heard his elbow snap. I planted my foot on the back of his neck, in a position that I could easily kill him and gave the referee the signal to call the match.

"That's the match, Harbin wins!" The referee shouted.

"And what a match it was, this is the most brutally Harbin has ever fought!" The announcer shouted. "Lets give it up for the new crowned champion folks, Harbin!"

I heard everybody shouting in joy while I looked at Mr. Agreste. He growled but pulled off his tie, he then pulled off both of his miraculous and tossed them into the sand in front of me. I picked them up before summoning the miracle box to me. I placed all four miraculouses into the box before I looked at Chloe who already knew what was coming, as did Adrien. I pulled out the letter I wrote and clutched it to my chest.

"I Ladybug renounce guardianship of the miracle box, I return it to grandmaster Su-Han." I announced loud and clear.

Lights shined brightly while flying around me before the miracle box disappeared and everything went black.

3rd Person POV

"Harbin and her supporters are free from the ring, she has earned hers and their freedom!" Mr. Agreste announced.

Sabine charged into the ring and went to her husband, completely running past her unconscious daughter. While Chloe, Zoe, Audrey, Andre, Adrien, and Alix ran to Marinette. When Adrien approached Marinette Chloe shoved him away.

"What's happening?" Marinette asked when she woke up. "Where am I?"

"You're alright, you just got into a fist fight with your father." Chloe said softly. "The letter in your hand will explain it all to you."

Marinette sat up and was met with a hug from Alix, causing her to blush. After Alix let go of Marinette, Chloe helped her up and they all walked out of the building and to the limo.

"To the hospital." Audrey ordered the driver.

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