Scrapped: TWDG-Louis One Shot

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Louis- How's it hanging

Imagine: You go out hunting with your boyfriend Louis and get caught in one of the traps.


Today was yours and Louis' day for hunting, and you were dreading it. You did admit it was nice working alongside your boyfriend but you jus seemed to have such bad luck when it came to hunting. You missed shots, tripped over rope from the traps and were not very sneaky. Honestly, you were really clumsy.

You stared off into the distance from the watch tower deep in thought, as you waited on your beloveds arrival. "Hey! y/n you ready to go?!" Louis shouted with that joyful smile of his while swinging Chairles over his shoulder. Diverting your attention down to Louis you couldn't help but smile at the odd guy that brought your heart so much joy.

"Yeah! I'll be down in a second!" Satisfied with your answer he twirled on his heal and headed to the gate ready for his hunt. With a deep sigh you headed down the ladder and made your way to the courtyard.

"There you are. All set to go?" Louis beamed happily, but quickly saddened when he noticed your unhappy face. "Whats wrong?" He placed his hand on your shoulder making you look up towards him.

"Do I have to go hunting? I'm really no good at it, wouldn't it make more sense to take Aasim with you?" You begged pleadingly.

"Come on, it won't be so bad. Plus you have me. And I scream fun all the time" Louis smirked as you smiled at his dorkiness. "But wouldn't you catch more--" You were cut short as Louis began dragging you out the gate of the school happily. "Come on, were burning daylight here." You grumbled unhappily with a sigh accepting that you wouldn't be able to escape.


It had been a couple of hours since you and Louis began hunting and you had barely been able to catch anything.

"I told you I am not good at this" You fumed throwing the bow to the floor angrily, crossing your arms with a pout making Louis augh at you.

"Come on, we still have plenty of time to hunt before it gets dark" Louis walked towards be with a goofy smile and his weapon hanging beside him. "No I'm done, you can continue. I'm going back to the school" Turning away from him you headed back to the school. "Oh come on y/n. At least stay out here with me, look I won't make you hunt if you just stay here and hand with me while I hunt, okay?" Louis convinced with a smirk knowing that he had managed to change your mind. You sighed and shook your head. "Fine I'll stay out with you..." Louis continued to tell you whatever joke came to mind as you walked back over to him, however you failed to notice one of the rabbit traps near you. Causing you to set it off taking you with it. You screamed as the trap launched you up and hung you upside down from your foot panicking Louis.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Louis ran to you in concern and you hung from the tree. "I'm fine just get me down!" You fumed angrily crossing your arms. Louis saw you were fine and were just extremely pissed off, calming him down. He watched you curiously and began to smile. "Why are you smiling?" Louis' smiling just pissed you off more, then he began to laugh at the situation you were in "If's not funny. Get me down!" You demanded angrily as you tried to reach up to your ankle to free yourself, but with no luck. "Louis can you just help me----" You were cut short when you felt Louis' soft lips upon yours, calming you down. You kissed back happily unaware that Louis was freeing you at the same time. Being completely lost in the kiss you didn't notice that Louis freed you until you began falling. You screamed in panic before Louis caught you just as you were about to hit the floor. Sighing in relief you looked up at Louis with a thankful smile while he just smirked in satisfaction. Standing up properly Louis looped his arms around your waist and smiled while lookin into your eyes.

"See hunting with me isn't so bad is it" He smiled cockily, making you blush.

"Only some parts..." You muttered staring into his warm eyes.

"So you wanna come again?" Louis laughed.

"Um.......Not in a million years"

~ Queen👑

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