Scrapped: The Walking Dead-Daryl

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Around days 1-5 of the apocalypse

{Y/N} had finally decided to visit her father after her long silence. He was more than accommodating to his daughter upon her arrival, glad she was finally home for a while. He welcomed her with open arms and a warm smile. But...she was quiet.

He had no idea what had happened to cause her abrupt disappearance and silence from everyone, but he knew it involved work since she had been given leave due to mental unfitness.

For a few days the two were mostly surrounded in silence, {Y/N} had a distant dull look in her eyes and it worried her father. He shared stories of what she had missed while away, stories about the town's folk and the Dixon family. He noticed a small sparkle in her eyes as he shared stories on the Dixon family and thought up some plans to visit them in hope that they might lift her spirts.

"Daryl has been hunting and exploring the forests, as usual. Merle just got back from jail again."

A series of screams sound in the street startled the two. {Y/N}'s dull eyes widen in panic at the sound. Her father kept a calm expression reassuring her that it was probably nothing, just some kids playing in the streets.

An aggressive pounding on the door caused the man's face to contort into confusion, sending his daughter a reassuring smile he made his way to the door.

He gasps in shock at the sight of his neighbour, , covered in blood and sweat, panting heavily. He calls out to his daughter distraught and carefully brought the neighbour inside. {Y/N} came over at the sound of her father's distress and noticed the state of her old neighbour, her eyes flashing with concern at the sight of the man.

After directing her father to take him into the sitting room she serched for her spare medical kit that was left in the bathroom. Rushing back to the two she set her stuff on the coffee table and turned to the injured man.

"Mr. Jacobs? Mr. Jacobs can you tell me what happened to you?" She asks calmly. Mr. Jacobs points down towards his bloodied shirt, panting heavily as sweat poured down his face.

Gently she lifts the crimson shirt and saw the gruesome wound. The wound wasn't deep but clearly irritated, noticeable by the bright red skin surrounding it. Taking a deep calming breath, she looks over the wound.

"Mr. Jacobs? How did this happen? It looks...infected." As she looks over the wound, he explained.

"I was-out in the garden gathering the fallen branches. Wh-when this crazy man-came from the trees. wasn't normal. He had milky dead eyes and pale broken skin- that looked like old wounds. He-growled at me and then...while I was trying to ask if he were okay, he just...launched at me. Took a chunk right out my side..."

She began cleaning the wound to the best of her abilities. As she wiped the old, coagulated blood and gunk from the would she asked, "When did this happen?"


"Didn't you go to a hospital? To have it looked at and dressed?" She asks confused. She began to dress the wound as she thought over the 'symptoms' of the man that had attacked him.

"I was going to. But the hospital has been quarantined. Apparently-an infectious disease has spread around them." # looks down at Mr. Jacobs in concern before looking to his daughter.

After attending to Mr. Jacobs' wound she places a cold cloth on his head in hopes of bringing his fever down. {Y/N} explained the neighbours' symptoms to her father, a broken look casting over her face. He looks at her concerned, ever since she arrived, she has been quiet, distant and this broken look kept ghosting over her face when she wasn't occupied. He was deeply concerned.

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