Possibly Re-visiting This: HTTYD Race To Dragons Edge

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Eye Of The Beholder Part 1

Rose P.O.V

The moon had risen emitting a glow over the village, the rays danced on the surrounding water making it sparkle. I was on a late night walk to reminisce the beauty of the night and to collect my thoughts after todays shenanigans. Upon walking past the 'old training arena' I heard a loud bang followed by a male voice. "I guess it is just you and me now bud"

Curiously I entered the arena to find Hiccup talking to Toothless. "Hey Hiccup, whats going on?"

"Oh hey Rose, when did you get here?" Hiccup approached me with a warm smile.

"I just got here, are you okay? You seem troubled" I gently placed my arms around his neck in a loving manner.

Hiccup wrapped his arms around me securely and sighed "It's just that Snotlout is now an official weapons tester, Fishlegs is educating the youngsters on dragons, the twins have dedicated their lives to pranks and Astrid just got accepted into the Berk guard. It's just that everyone is doing something with their lives and I just don't know...."

"Hiccup you need to stop stressing. Seriously, there is a path for everyone and you will find yours, you just have to let it happen. You'll see" I smiled softly and placed a small kiss on his cheek before he walked me home for the night.

The Next Day

Rose, Hiccup and the gang were woken up early due to an emergency meeting in the training arena. Johann had been thrown over bored from his ship and was found by the twins while they where out pranking. Johann had apparently been thrown overboard by Dagger when he escaped from prison and is planning to come after us for revenge.

Hiccup was stood in front of a map of Berk as he explained the situation "All we got out of Johann before he passed out was this Dagur escaped from Outcast Island by commandeering his ship. He threw Johann overboard about here" He pointed to a large section of ocean.

"So basically Dagur could be anywhere right now?" I pointed out confused, tilting my head.

"Well, technically, yes" Hiccup shrugged his shoulders unsure.

"Oh, great! Great, great, great so that just leaves-- I don't know, let me think about this--the entire ocean to search! No thank you" Snotlout shouted.

"Hiccup Snotlout does have a point" I looked at him sadly, Snotlout looked at me shocked before smirking at Hiccup and crossing his arms.

"Master Hiccup" Johann entered the arena and make his way towards the group.

"Johann, you're awake" Hiccup sighed happily.

"And feeling much better. Thank you for asking, more importantly, I have more than a strong suspicion where our nefarious foe may be heading" Johann turned to look at the map and waved his hands towards the clouds while chuckling.

"He is outside the archipelago?" I questioned.

"No! Just inside the fog bank on our outer group of islands" Johann pointed out.

"We've never been that far" Hiccup murmured under his breath.

"When Dagur commandeered my precious ship, he also came into possession of a very important map-one that leads to a graveyard of ships hidden in the fog bank" Johann noted.

"Wow, that's the first place I'd go" Snotlout stated sarcastically.

"If I may be allowed to finish?" Johann snapped to Snotlout.

"Johann, Last time we allowed you to finish, we ended up on, breakneck bog. So no...no finishing" Snotlout stated sassily.

"Enough! What's so special about the graveyard and why would he go there?" Hiccup questioned eagerly.

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