Possibly Re-visiting This: HTTYD Race To Dragons Edge

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Eye Of The Beholder Part 2

No One's P.O.V

"Get us out of here!" Fishlegs shouted as the others screamed as well, the boat began to sink causing everyone to panic.

"Hiccup!" Snotlout shrieked.

"Get us out of here!" Ruffnut screeched.

With Dagur

"Isn't this exciting? What will he choose ladies and gentlemen? Saving his friends and lover or capturing his mortal enemy, his brother?" Dagur laughed. Hiccup had a look of panic on his face as he zoomed off towards his friends on the Reaper.

On the ship

"Get us out of here! Hiccup, help!" The gang shouted as they tried to unlock the cage.

Hiccup landed on the ship. "Move back from the door! Toothless, plasma blast" Toothless obeys Hiccups orders and shoots the cage, however, nothing happened.

"Dragon proof bars? Oh Fascinating" Fishlegs stroked the bars amazed.

Eels. Why does it have to be eels. Rose thought looking into the water.

"Whoever built this ship really knew what they were doing." Hiccup studied the cage.

"Whoa!" Snotlout was tossed into Fishlegs as the boat rocked. Rose was brought back to her senses as she lost her balance, now realizing the situating she ran her way back to the others to try and help. "Oh, you know what would be more fascinating? Getting us out of here!" The boat rocked again causing Fishlegs to fall on Snotlout again.

"Toothless, now!" Toothless takes two more shots but to no avail "We need more firepower. Guys, dragon calls!" Hiccup ordered. The gang began making their dragon calls, when eels began emerging from the water and slithered their way onto the ship towards the gang.

"Why did it have to be eels!" Rose shrieked while Toothless shot the eels away.

"Come on!" Hiccup was trying to pull the cage open .

"Hiccup look out!" Rose shouted as an eel grabbed his leg

"Aah! Toothless!" Toothless shot the eels, freeing Hiccup. "Thanks, bud" Hiccup removed his prosthetic foot and wedged it into the door trying to wedge it open with the help of Snotlout.

"Uhh! Hookfang! Help us! I'm important!" Snotlout shouted.

"Stormfly!" Astrid shouted

"Barf, Belch, get your butts over here!" Ruffnut yelled.

"Hiccup, let me try" Rose took Hiccups place and grabbed the bars of the cage and began pulling at it, the harder she pulled her eyes began to glow slightly but not enough for anyone to notice, Rose manage to made a dent in the bars before the boat started to be dragged down by the eels causing her and Hiccup to start falling. Hiccup quickly grabbed the cage and grabbed Rose before she fell.

"Toothless!" Hiccup shouted for his dragon while lifting Rose up to grab onto the cage. Toothless tried to shoot but had ran out of shots, in a panic he roared into the air calling the other dragons. Just as the dragons flew over the cage door gave out causing the others to fall, everyone hung onto each other making sure no one fell into the water.

"That was great. Aah! No! Aah!" Tuffnut had a hold on Hiccups prosthetic leg and began fighting off the eels before Barf and Belch swooped in and shot the eels "Oh, so now you decide to show up" Everyone began mounting their dragons and took off to safety as the boast sank.

"That was way too close" Fishlegs pointed out as we began flying away.

"Hiccup, what are we doing?" Rose questioned as she noticed Hiccup fling to Dagur's retreating ship.

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