polaroid love

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Before I knew it, the special moment was broken as a bombard of students started walking in. Laughing and talking I finally spot my group of friends, Ann, Rue, Cindy and Yena. Despite being so popular I've never really learned how to be friends with boys, which sounds weird, but I never really clicked with any of them. 

"Oh my god! Hi! Where were you this morning!" Cindy exclaims, punctuating every word with an exclamation mark. As expected, her energy level today was sky high. 

"I was just meeting this new transfer student! She's really nice too, have you heard of Sia?" I say while pulling her into a one-armed hug. 

"Sia? Ahh~" Cindy squinted her eyes, while tapping her lips, here eyebrows drawn in a focused expression. 

"Wait, is it the girl with black hair, or no- was it brownish? And a really sweet voice with a tote bag?" Rue interrupted, her eyes lighting up. 

"Yes! That one, she's a really sweet girl. We should join her for lunch sometime," I say smiling, before drawing the conversation back into how Ann's vacation went. 

"Settle down everyone! Class is beginning so please take out your cameras," The professor booms, her boots making rhythmic tapping on the tile floor. 

"Today, I have a partner project as an assignment as well as a grade assessment. Think of it as a long pop quiz. The instructions are pretty simple. First partner up and select two places where you are going to shoot your photos. Take five different pictures of your partner and put it into your portfolio. The picture should reflect your partner's personality and charisma, and well as the aura they exude, so make sure you take your time getting to know your partner, " The professor says smiling. 

"Moreover, I know a lot of you are already thinking about who to partner with. But I made it much simpler for you by making arranged lists randomly," she says, looking down at a thick stack of papers. I hear several sighs from people around as the room dims slightly. 

"Here we go. Make sure you catch your name because I'm not going to repeat twice." 

"Elisha with Rue, Sasha with Naru, Vick with Kai...." Her voice never falters, as she reads out the list of names with clarity. My earns only tune in for two names.

"Lastly it's Alina with Ja-" 

"Excuse me! I'm so sorry I'm late, I'm new here and I accidently mixed my schedule up," My head snaps at the voice from the doorway, slightly irritated at the interruption until I see who it is. Sia. 

"No problem, just make sure you're on time next time..."The professors says taking of her glasses she flips her papers loudly. 

"Sia is it? Welcome to photography. Since you came a little late, I'll pair you with Jay and as for Alina...do you mind pairing up with Elijah? He's a little late today for personal reasons but he'll be in time for the assignment. " I open my mouth in shock and disbelief. I had come so close to having a project with Jay personally! Realizing people were staring at me, I quickly opened my mouth even wider to make it seem as if I was yawning instead. I made sure to add a happy smile at the end. 

"Ok so pair up and head downstairs towards the courtyard. Today you can take your time deciding where you want to shoot your pictures and the placements. Remember all the tips on lighting and placement of objects as you do this project. This project will have to take up some after school time, but as long as your efficient and quick it shouldn't be a problem," she says smiling contently. 

As soon as she leaves the room, I try to turn my posture more confidently, even though I felt like a child whose toys were taken away. 

"You okay Alina? You look a little pale," Yena, the ever-caring friends asks. 

"Oh, yea, hold on," I say without much expression. I get up to walk towards Sia.

"So you are in this class too I guess! Let me introduce you to some of my friends," I say smiling brightly. I sling my arm around her shoulder and guide her towards the podium my friends are standing near. 

"This is Yena," I say, pointing towards the blonde girl, wearing matching pink shorts and top.

"And this is Rue," I continue, pointing towards the girl with curly brown hair and big round doe eyes. 

"Cindy, you might need a key for this one because she never stops talking," I say teasing Cindy a bit as she laughs lightly back.

"And lastly Ann," I say, pointing to the hunched girl with short, jet-black hair. 

"Oh wow! Nice to meet you all <3 Thank you for including me," She speaks, her wispy voice sweet and smooth. 

"Alina! - Oh, is this my partner? Sia?" Jay taps me on the shoulder lightly before turning towards Sia. Just as I'm about to speak, a tall, cheery, and of course hot guy enters through the door. At first glance he gives off serious but calm and bright vibes. Something comforting and safe. His slightly wavy hair, curls softly and his eyes give off something dangerously safe. Elijah. 

Authors note: For visual purposes I've decided to give some of the main characters kdrama/kpop people that I imagine them as. 

Alina: AOA Seolhyun

Sia: Seol In Ah (starred in business proposal as part of the second lead couple)


Jay: Jay from Enhypen (unexpected?)

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