pumpkin cafe

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    I step out into the bright autumn afternoon, slightly fatigued after a long class. It's the time of the season where all the trees are turning different shades of yellow, orange and red, and you feel the slight change in weather and the hum of the earth, waiting to turn winter. Much like my ever changing feelings. 

    I pull out my phone to check the time. 9:28. Oh right! I have to meet up with Rae. Suddenly my heart felt much lighter in spite of all the heavy emotions weighing me down and I walk towards the bus stop with a slight spring in my step. I pull out my phone and tap it lightly on the bus sensor to pay and walk through the narrow corridor squeezing into a corner seat on the back of the bus. I didn't see anyone I knew so I pulled out my old mp3, planning to listen to some music that I got from my deceased sister. Thinking about her, and her beautiful brown hair that always shone in the light, with her heavenly smile and cheerful eyes shot an arrow straight through my heart. The silent hugs she gave me when I graduated and her strong graceful presence that always grounded me during big speeches, and performances. The way she held my hand the first day in elementary school and her proud smile every time she spoke of her younger sister. I quickly flip the mp3 over, and stuff it gently back into my bag. Emotional nostalgia wells up in my eyes, and I quickly get out a hankerchief to wipe a tear at the brink of falling. I pull out my phone and open a music tab and plug in my airpods and listen to my favorite song. Heather. 

    If I could count all the times this song comforted me on the nights where I couldn't sleep or the days where I felt like an extra in a movie, I wouldn't even be able to count. I would say that I definitely say that I came out of the bus significantly more emotional than when I got on. I stopped the music and unplugged my headphones, tediously wrapping the wires in a meticulous manner. 

    I look into the store windows hoping to get a glimpse of Rae, if she was there already. Unfortunately the windows were tinted so I ended up opening up the store doors and awkwardly standing there, searching for Rae. I look around, and walk around the barrier into the main area. Thankfully, the minute I walked into there I saw her smiling face and relief penetrated through me. I slid my tote bag off my shoulder and set it down on the chair beside me. 

"Ahhh, fall season is the best! Especially paired with some coffee," Rae says, sighing wistfully into the window of the cafe. 

"Pft, that's just your excuse to drink an abnormally large amount of coffee every day," I say, laughing. 

"Well, I can't deny that..." She says, giggling sweetly. 

"How is Spring University?" 

"It's very sweet! Too bad the cherry blossoms aren't blooming at this time of the year. How about Autumn?" She replies, holding her cup of coffee tenderly.

"Typical I guess," I say waving at the waiter without much thought. 

I glance over to look over at the waiter, and watch him as his back turns around to our table. 

"Elijah?! You work here?" I say, my eyes round and my tone bordering surprise and interest.

"Er...just filling in a shift for a friend. What would you like to order?" He says pulling out a notepad, his stance showing his discomfort.

"Just a caramel macchiato please...and may I ask when your shift ends? Perhaps we can just do our project here?" 

"Sure," He says putting his pen away into his pocket and walking away to another table. 

"Wow, who is that guy? He looks finee," Rae says in awe watching him move about.

"....especially in that uniform," She adds on, giggling. Her cheeks turn a bright pink and her smile wistful. 

"He's my partner for a photography project, he goes to Autumn University." I say, my eyes following his figure.

"A guy like him? At Autumn? PLEASE, he should be at Summer," Rae says, rolling her eyes incredulously.

"Hey! Autumn is SUCH a good university...why wouldn't he go there?" I say smacking her arm lightly, pouting. 

"I mean....it definitely is, but he could do so much more at Summer! Why would he take photography when he could be a visual arts major?!" 

"Ha! Just because you don't appreciate beauty don't mean no body else does," I say mockingly, pointing my nose up in the air. 

"Ok ok, I got you, no need to start acting like a dog," She says laughing, shoving her coffee towards me.

"Want a sip?" 

"No, I'm good. My caramel macchiato should be here by now," I say shoving the white cup towards her while looking around the cafe. Perfect timing, just as I turned my head around, the white and beige apron appeared in front of my face.

"A caramel macchiato? " He announces, before sliding the white cup across the cafe table. I nod quietly and grab the handle of the cup without hesitation, and take a few sips. I start drinking while nodding thank you to Elijah, enjoying the sweet, creamy taste of coffee. The aroma was rich, without being overwhelming and the cup had a small purple flower on the side. Lilac? Meh. For the next 2 hours I spent my time talking and catching up to Rae, who chose a different university in a nearby town. Finally, Elijah's long shift came to an end after a long two hours and he started taking off his apron while I watched him out of the corner of my eye. 

"Well I think I have to go now because I have a study session with Elijah for a project..." I say solemnly, with sad puppy eyes. 

"Awww, take me with you! At least, it won't be hard looking at him." She says smiling sadly.

"I could've been with Jay!" I say yelling miserably, before realizing the entire cafe was staring at me.

"Who's my friend!" I say smiling sheepishly, trying to cover up. Rae, struggles to contain her laughter as she walks out the cafe door, waving furiously before she opens the door, leaving in a flurry of twinkles and jingles. 

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