caramel macchiato

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"Ready?" He says, as he swings his brown coat around his broad shoulders. My face remains calm as I shuffle all the assignment papers in order. 

"Yup. So, first thing is getting to know each other, then picking the location for the photo shoot, taking the pics, and then the creating the portfolio. Do you want to perhaps go for dinner or karaoke?" I say nonchalantly. I look up to see his slightly shocked expression mingled with some curiosity.

"I think a few drinks will do," 

I nod, panicking slightly as I already had a full cup of coffee and I'm not so sure if my stomach could handle another. 

"Well first, let's just do rapid fire interview questions and then we can get onto to the other parts. I can go first...what are your hobbies?" I say, making eye contact with his deep brown eyes. 

"Photography, drawing, basketball skating," he says the last two words tentatively and hesitantly, yet never breaking eye contact. 

I tried to hide my surprise and joy in case it threw him off, as it seemed like he was opening up and sharing openly. 

"That's amazing! I ice skate too! How long have you been skating?" I burst out, knowing my eyes were lighting up like a Christmas tree. 

"Probably for around 14 years now, not like I've gotten any better though," he says, curving his lips into a small smile. Wow did that smile really light up his features. When he smiled, his eyes turned from a rich deep brown into a warm caramel hazel and his usual serious expression disappears along with his dreary aura. 

"Ha! You look really pretty when you smile, do you know?" I say, unabashed to dish out compliments like candy. 

"I've heard...but I never expected to hear such a compliment from a person who also has the same features," His face serious but glinting with curiosity. I'm surprised to see how quickly he dismissed that compliment and instead turned it on the other person. That's gotta be a talent. 

"You must have a talent for denying your beauty," I say jokingly, but still warm from the compliment he gave me. 

"Do you have any hobbies?" 

"Well...I suppose I like walking in the rain, if that's a hobby, oh! And I love watching the change of seasons, especially fall, reading, if I can get any in, and spending time with friends," I say, the words spilling out of me. I'm once again surprised at how easily I spill out my thoughts in front of Elijah. It seems to be a regular occurrence unfortunately. None of the things I say are a lie though, and that's what surprises me the most.

"You have very romantic hobbies I will say," 

"You bet... What majors did you pick?" I say, shifting the conversation awkwardly. Never been really that great at changing the subject.

"Psychology and biomedical studies,"

"Wew, a smart cookie aren't you?" I say, but almost immediately I regret my words. A smart cookie? Really....

Thank goodness though he laughed and didn't seem to mind where the conversation was going. 

For the next few hours we drill on and on about our lives, and we've talked nonstop until the light outside the cafe dimmed and the day turned into dusk. When we finally wrap it up, I'm surprised at how easily how conversations flowed from topic to topic. It feels like these last few hours have really redefined our friendships with each other and already I'm feeling like he could be part of my inner circle...and more importantly, I didn't say TOO many things that would probably give me second hand embarrassment as I looked back on the day while sleeping. 

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