Chapter 2: Feeling the weather/ Forgiveness/ A change

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[This is now a day ahead, of what would've been tomorrow, apparently Bella and Edward Cullen didn't come yesterday, probably thinking some way to apologize and feel bad, anyways, I for some reason wasn't feeling it today, feel sluggish and slightly warm, but I won't let that excuse me of anything..]

*I walked out with comfy clothing and non-slip boots, and fortunate to cause, I step on the final step and almost fell, dad was there to catch Me*

Charlie: Whoa, You good hun?..*I giggled, nodding and walked to My truck* Okay, oh um I might be late for dinner, some security worker got mauled by an animal, and you know how that goes here, and ahh make yourself what ever you want, and oh I got new tires set on your truc- *He sees My bike there* Oh?

Eleana: *I giggled, hoping on it* Got one friend of mine to deliver it here yesterday last night..*I patted it* I told you dad, I am a biker girl..*Grin, He chuckles, we said our goodbyes*

*Grin, He chuckles, we said our goodbyes*

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*I put my helmet on and started her up, amd she revs, good it feels good to have my baby back, I rev and drove off to school, now I feel the good life, though still I feel off today*

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*I put my helmet on and started her up, amd she revs, good it feels good to have my baby back, I rev and drove off to school, now I feel the good life, though still I feel off today*

°TimeSkip, and to the last class°.

*Once I got to class, there they were, seems they came today, agh and the worst thing is I am partnered up with them, for todays subject*

Edward: *I written down some things, as He and Her look at Me* Hey umm, we didn't get to properly meet, so the name is Edward Cullen, and this is mu girlfriend, Isabella Cullen..*He said in a proper manner, I hummed*..

Eleana: *I turned and handed out my hand, doing the courtesy, They botb shook individually* Eleanor Swan, but You can just call me Eleana..*They nodded with smiles*

Bella: * As I looked at the microscope* Hey you can also just call me Bella, umm were are sorry for that day, we weren't feeling it that day, and we shouldn't have made those faces, we apologize..*She said, I hummed again*

Eleana: Anaphase..*I passed it to them they looked, as I scanned their used to be dark eyes, now where yellow ish orange*

Bella/Edward: Anaphase..*They nodded, I smiled, so did they we made small quiet talk*

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