Chapter 9: Bad touch, angry lovers/Well things just escalated/Graduation/Train..

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{I was chilling at the little hang out, spot we made in the middle of both territories, as I was playing my guitar...someone...decided to stop by..}

*I hummed as I played, I didn't tell My Lovers yet, about my biological mother, and that I am part Siren, I am too afraid, what they will think of Me, especially since, I am freaking royalty now..*

???: *I was so in thought, I hardly recognized someone was here, someone bad* Such an lovely Voice, shame my old mate, decided to be an idiot..maybe I could get you to sing?..*I gasped, As I looked my eyes widen, Victoria*

[Forceful actions and some bad touching ahead]

*I stumbled a bit, as She smiles, liking my fear, In dash I was pinned to the bench, Her strength overpowers Me*

Eleana: *I stuttered out* you want f-from Me!?...*I yelled out, knowing the powers of an Vampire strength*

Victoria: *Coo'd, she moves an strand of Hair out my face, stroking* A new Mate....and You with your what I need, sides only fair...since Your lovers did Kill my Idiot Mate...*I growled, trying not to look scared, She chuckles, as her hand trailed below, to my stomach* I need someone to breed...and Your a perfect fit...*I whimpered kicking my legs* So cute...but none of that...*She kisses me forcefully, I cried out, trying to get her face off Me, Her other hand trails into my pants until*

*An loud wolf roars beamed, and loud angry hisses are heard, She hisses dashes off, I hugged myself, breathing heavily, I felt myself going into another hyperventilation, I was picked up, and too scared*

Leah: *Hums into my ear* Shhhh, shh..shh..shh...*I heard Leah soothing voice* I am here firefly, were here...the others went after that damn leeching bitch...*I nodded, trying to take calm breaths*

Bella: *Kisses my temple, the two were visibly angry, but I need comfort, I cried as I felt violated again* Shhh, it's okay...let's get you home...*Leah lifts, Me to Bella who held Me bridal style* Go and help get that Bitch...*Leah nodded, and kisses my head, as She shifted and ran*

*Bella ran Me to my home, and to my room, Once she was in She closed the door, and sat Me down, I clinged to Her, She crawls and lets Me snuggle to Her side*

Bella: *Strokes my hair, as I finally stop crying* Oh honey, we are so so Sorry....*I shook my head, I hate how I am so freaking, powerless against it all*

Eleana: *Knowing Dad is at work* I hate it!!, I hate how powerless I am to vampires!!, I hate feeling so weak!..*I vented out, She nodded* I just wanna defend myself, but I just can't.....*I said, just really upset, and again violated*

Bella: *Hums, stroking my hair, as She tries to sooth Me to sleep* We know Baby, we know...*I breathed out, and felt tired, I closed my eyes, and she kisses my head, as I felt sleep take Me*

[Bella Pov]

*That freaking Red headed Bitch, had the nerve, I felt Eleana grip loosen, I slithered out Her hold, and sensed the others were coming back, I went out the window, and to the back where the woods are, seeing everyone Gathered and pissed beyond belief, Edward looks at Me, I nodded*

Bella: *I walked over, and held his hand* I got Her to sleep, she is not much happy about this, then we are..She feels powerless...*Everyone frowns, Our lover in such distress to think those* 

Sam: *Huffs* We need to set up more perimeters We can not, let this happen again...that Leech dealt the last straw...*Carlisle nodded agreeing*

Carlisle: *Thinks* We set up around our territory as well, Victoria...will not get away again...this is going to end..*We nodded, agreeing to them* We keep an eye out at Seattle,  mean time...*Looks at Swans house* We need to comfort Her, being violated not something...easily forget and move on..*That we can really agree with*

[Their Light in the Dark] Yandere Twilight Saga various x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now