Chapter 7: Saving a Cullen/Finding out something/The end

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{We began to make the journey to save Edward, and hopefully in time..}

*We drove fast, after getting out of a plane, Alice may or may not have grand theft auto a Car, anyways we drove fast, until Alice gasps*

Bella: What is?, what happen!?..*She asked her foster sibling*

Alice: *I looked at Her with concern* T-They refused him, h-he-..*I huffed*

Eleana: *I felt another vision, I growled* drive quick..*She nodded, if I know Him, he's gonna be dramatic and show himself to the humans, dumbass!*

*We see Volterra, as Alice drove through the town, dodging people, Alive comes to a stop*.

Alice: Clock tower go!!...*I nodded, and hoped out, speeded, down groups of people*..

*I smelt his scent, I huffed and with agility and nice flow, I dodged through the crowds, as I gasped seeing a shimmering Edward, I speed through jumping over the fountain, once I got near, I pounced him back inside the building, breathing heavily*

Eleana: *I panted* Your an absolutely idiot, to think a fall would kill me.....*I huffed, looking at Him*

Edward: *He was in shock, cupping my face* E-Eleana?, Your..oh gosh..*hugs Me, I hugged back, patting and rubbing his back* I thought we lost you, I just couldn't leave with the thought..*He muttered*

Eleana: Shush Cullen, I'm here, I'm alive and well..*We pulled back, I cupped his face* It's okay, Eddy it's alright..*He smiles in relief*

*Screw it, we both kissed each other, everything that was pent up released, we eventually stop, as I panted with breath, we laughed softly, our foreheads touching, our moment was soon interrupted, as we See two Vampires come to us*

Edward: *We pulled away, as He wraps his arm around Me, protectively*  Looks like I won't be needing, Your services after all, Gentlemen..*He tells them*

Felix: *The tall one spoke, I read it up, His name is Felix* Aro wants to speak with you again..*Holding an rope*

Edward: *Looks at them confused*  No rules were broken..*He said to them*

Dimitri: *Hums* Nonetheless, we should take this conversation, to an more appropriate venue..*He said*

Eleana: *I stop Edward, as Alice and Bella busted the door lock and came, Bella comes over and smiles, but frowns, I told them to shush* I assume they would want to meet with Me, as well?..*They nodded*

Bella: No, like hell they will..*I shushed her, as a woman comed behind them, another vampire, she pulled down her hood, and oh gosh, Its Edward ex, Jane*

Jane: Enough..*Edward muttered her name* Aro sent me what was taking so long..*I smiled politely*

Eleana: Guys..*The three looked at Me* I was bound, to meet the Volturi at some point, let's go..*They sighed nodding, as I followed Jane, Felix gave, Edward an robe, as we followed them down stairs* "Just so you know, this is scary, Eddy.." *He chuckles mentally, we entered an large elevator and took it down* You know, I expected like an magical stairs or somethin', like from Harry Potter..I mean the Volturi are ancient and rich, figured You all be some what fancy..*Jane chuckles*

Jane: That would've been a good idea now would it?..*I smiled nodding, as the Elevator came to a stop, we walked passed an office worker, who was strangely Human, guess the must have thralls then*

*We walked through a big doors, to reveal a big open ancient like room, I turned and saw Bella ex, Alec*

Alec: Sister..*Chuckles* They sent you out to get one, but came back with three and half, such an Clever girl..*She walks to Him, and I see Marcu, Volturi, Caius Volturi and then Aro Volturi who stands and claps with much joy and relief*

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