Chapter 10: Step Sister's Mate's!?/More to come..

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{I was scared, that my lovers above surface, will face something terrible, but I had faith, I swam with my Mother to Oceaniana, where I am far, far away...}

*I swan and smiled, chilling with my Step Sister's, honestly they aren't to bad, and I vibe with them, Arianna tackle's Me, to the couch, I giggled laughing as She tickles Me, I kicked my tail around*

Eleana: *I laughed* Ar-Airanna!!, haahaha!...*She laughs stopping, I giggled taking breath through my gills*

Arianna: *We laid next to each other* Not my fault!, You made fun of Meh!..*I snickered*

Erica: *Chuckles, as She looks at my shoulders, Her eyes looked closely, seeing an tattoo, Her eyes widen seeing Her tattoo, and Her sisters on my shoulders*

(Erika Soulmate Mark)

(Lamia Soulmate Mark)

(Arianna Soulmate Mark)

[Erika Pov]

*Seeing our Marks on Her shoulders, my face blushed, I cleared my throat*

Erika: *I smiled* I am gonna talk to Father and Mother...I may return...*They nodded, as I swam off to the throne room Where I see Father and Mother talking*

[Queen Alexia the Father of Erika and Lamia, Arianna]

*I swam and caught their attention, they looked with raised brows*

Erika: *I bowed my head* Father, Mother...I have a question...*They were now full attention*

Alexia: *Hums, nodding* What Is it My dear Child?..*I took a breath of salt water*

Erika: *I looked at them* Is Eleanor our SoulMate?, I saw our simliar markings on Her shoulders...*They looked at each other nodding*

Helena: *Looks at Me* Yes My daughter is Your soulmate, Erika..I have not told Her, cause I figured, the more subtle way, the proper approach...The Mating Call...*My eyes widen, I smiled nodding* when She is asleep, You and Your Sister may call for Her, She'll was fate..*I bowed My head, and swam back, happily, Yes I knew I fell in love with Her first sight, but to be fated together!?*

*I heard giggles and gasping, I chuckled as I swam back into the living room, I see them talking*

Eleana: *Pokes at Lamia abs* I didn't take you guys, to be muscle types, kinda surprised really..*Lamia chuckles, with am faint blush*

Erika: *I swam over* We have to keep in shape, it's only fair, we kept ourselves in good health and tip top combat, to protect ourselves and Our loved ones..*She hums nodding*

Lamia: *Nods to Her* Yes plus, I wanna be able to pry off Arianna when she does Her tackle all the time, She has a killer grip..*She said, in sight annoyance, but in a sibling way*

Arianna: *Pouts childishly* Not my fault!!, You love my tackle cuddles!..*She beams, Lamia shook her head, with an slight snicker*

*I looked at Eleana whom seems tired, must be spending Her time worrying about, Her surface lovers, Her head swayed, I came over, and picked Her up, My sisters looked, and noticed Her sleepy state*

Arianna: *Giggles a bit* I did tickle some of Her guess its reasonable..*We hummed, as I swim to Her room, and laid Her down, on Her bed, She snores lightly, I kissed Her head*

Erika: *I took in Her pretty features, Her beautiful face, I kissed Her lips* Sleep well our Love....*I swim away, to tell my Sisters of the marks and how She is our Soulmate*

°Few hours Later°

[Eleanor Pov]

*I snuggled into the berth bed, until I heard something, its lulling Me out from my slumber, I felt an bond...a connection, I sat up and swan towards the beautiful melody, that lulls Me, It felt right, like I was needing to follow it, I soon entered a water garden, I looked around until, I gasped, seeing My step Sisters, my weird birthmarks glowed, and I felt this enthralling need to them, I swam slowly, looking at them as they glistened with glow, I see the same birth marks on them, They took hold of Me, My eyes half lidded, Erika hums, leaning down taking my lips, I felt a spark flow through Me, closed my eyes, this felt weird but right, I pulled back as Lamia was next, I felt overwhelmed, as Arianna took Her kiss, soon we were done, as I looked at Them..*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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