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So this is NOT meant to be a crossover with Narnia (I suppose it could be but that wasn't the original intent). When writing, I just choose the first names that popped into my head or leave a blank. Whichever comes first. In this case, most of the names came from the Narnian universe. If I continue this story, I'll probably end up changing the names.

There are time skips (detonated by ~Merlin~) that I can fill in later (although not all of them need to). But for now, they're there because I was skipping around while writing. Also, there's probably typos and whatnot because I haven't proofread any of these stories since I stopped writing.


"Merlin!" Arthur groaned as the tray the servant was carrying clattered to the floor.
"Sorry," Merlin smirked as he bent down to pick it up along with its scattered contents. "Didn't mean to scare you."
"You didn't scare me!" Athur protested. "I was focused and you spilled my dinner all over the floor."
"What are you doing?" he inquired, setting the tray on the table and walking towards Arthur's desk. "Letters...."
"Yes, Merlin." Arthur huffed in mild admonishment. But he didn't tell Merlin to leave. "I'm writing letters to some of the Rulers outside the Five Kingdoms."
"Why?" At Arthur's scathing look, Merlin clarifies. "You know as well as I do that some of those Kingdoms not only support magic but it's practiced often."
"Which is why I'm writing them." Merlin frowned slightly, forcing him to elaborate. "I'm writing to see if they would consider signing a peace treaty. With the threat of Morgana," here he swallowed a bit as if saying the name was difficult, "she could run to any of these Kingdoms for aid and support. I want them to know that as long as they make no stand against us, they will receive no threat from me, from Camelot."
"So you're trying to create peace with some of the outlying Kingdoms, even though they have different views from you?"
"Just because we have different views doesn't mean we have to be enemies," Arthur stated, crossing his arms.
Merlin nodded, keeping his excitement contained. "But why would they seek peace with a Kingdom that would persecute their people?"
"That's the whole point of a peace treaty, Merlin. To negotiate benefits to both Kingdoms."
"Well...." Merlin responded "I hope it works out." Then grinning cheekily, "anyone negotiating with you will need a lot of patience." At Arthur's indignant sputtering, Merlin fled the room.


A few weeks later Arthur had received correspondence from several of the outlying Kingdoms. The ones that had responded agreed that a peace treaty was in the best interest for the two Kingdoms. They had agreed to meet in order to negotiate terms that would be beneficial. By the end of the month, arrangements had been made for Camelot to host a large summit.

Merlin was pretty excited about the news. The fact that Arthur was even willing to create peace with Kingdoms where magic wasn't outlawed was a step in the right direction. It made Merlin wonder if somewhere, deep down, Arthur knew magic wasn't as bad as it was made out to be.

Still, the King seemed leery about the prospect and Merlin knew he was worried. There was good reason to be. He was concerned as well. The news would spread and bring potential threats to the Kingdom. Threats from magical and non-magical people alike. Those strongly opposed to magic might lash out against the King or their guests. While those coming to sign the treaty could also come with ill intent.

So as the days before the summit drew closer, everyone was on edge.


"She has magic, Gaius!" Merlin exclaimed to the physician. "I felt it the moment she arrived in Camelot."
"Surely she knows how dangerous it is for her to come to Camelot if she has magic..." Gaius pondered.
Merlin nodded. "I'm worried for Arthur... They seem nice enough, but she keeps to herself and doesn't say much. I'm worried she has come with ill intent. That she means to harm Arthur."
"Has she given any indication that she wants to hurt him? Perhaps she wants to make peace with Arthur."
"It's possible..." Merlin agreed, hating that he always assumed the worst. "But the only ones with magic that come to Camelot always want the throne."
"Well, perhaps this one will be different," Gaius tried to assuage his ward. "They've been here a week and no one has had an unkind word to say about them. Even Lady Ana. Gwen says she's one of the nicest noblewomen she's had the pleasure of meeting."

A Case of the Writer's BlockWhere stories live. Discover now