A Time In Camelot (3)

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So this story is the one most of my focus was on crossover-wise. That's why it is the longest of the three. The first one was just one I found in my drafts that I must have started and then forgotten about before I started these two. I switched between two and three, with most of my focus being on this one because it involves the Pevensies and the others didn't. (In a poll I created my readers seemed more interested in Golden Age stories than Caspian). This one started out really well but a couple of things happened:
1. Morgana was supposed to be the big baddie but over 12000 words later and she had yet to make an appearance in the story
2. The villain I did include became too OP and unrealistic (I have managed to since change it in this draft but I'm still unable to bring Morgana into it).
3. It's almost like 2-3 different stories were starting to intertwine here.

At first I wasn't sure if Uther or Arthur would be King, but as the story progressed it became clear Arthur was a better fit. So Agravaine, Gwen, and very few of the Knights are mentioned at this point. As with the previous two, this one contains some of my comments.


Summary (so far, subject to change): When someone threatens Narnia, and its rulers, Ana is forced to travel in secret with one of them to keep them safe. But with the Kingdom at stake, a King's stubbornness, and banditry, they'll find themselves seeking help from an unlikely ally. The fate of Narnia may just depend on how well they can trust Arthur.


"You have to go," he said. "If we want to weed out the spy, we have to split up. I'm sending our best warriors with each royal, each heading off in a different direction. That means you as well, Edmund."
"But Peter—" Edmund said, only to be cut off.
"We don't know for sure who the spy is, but someone has been feeding our enemy information. They will not hesitate to kill us and take the Kingdom for themselves. I couldn't bear it if something happened to you or the girls and I could have prevented it. I've already sent our sisters off with several of our best soldiers and knights. Not even I know where they are going. Oreius has volunteered to stay behind with me, but you have to go. Should Cair Paravel fall, you must survive. Until they have proof of all our deaths, the Narnians will not cave. You can win back the Kingdom."
"But what about you, Pete? What are we to do without you?"
"My life is forfeit if you and the girls survive." His voice was filled with sadness, but he knew this was the only way to secure the Kingdom's future. If one royal fell, Narnia would survive, and recover. But if they were all killed, the Kingdom would fall into despair.
"I don't like it, Peter," Edmund protested. "Our chances are better if we stay together to defeat them!"
"I'll have the entire Narnian army and Oreius by my side. I wish you could be by my side as well, brother, but this is the best solution. Split us up to ensure most of us survive."

Edmund frowned but nodded. It seemed the High King had already made up his mind and there was nothing he could do to convince him otherwise. However, he also knew that he was not going to leave his brother to defend Narnia by himself. Not when he could help. If Peter did want him near Cair Paravel, then perhaps there was something else he could do to protect his brother. He was already formulating a plan as to how he would do that from afar. But first, the Just King needed to convince his brother not to be worried about him and focus on the Kingdom.
"I'll do as you say, brother," Edmund relented. "But I don't like it one bit."
"I know," Peter sighed, rubbing his temples. The stress of the whole situation was weighing heavily on his shoulders. "Which is why I saved our best for you. Ana!"

Edmund's eyes widened in surprise. Of all the guards he could've chosen as protection, Ana was one he couldn't easily persuade to turn back. His brother knew this.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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