A Traitor in Our Midst

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Title is subject to change. But this one is a Narnia story involving my OC, Ana. I got stuck on my other works and this story came to mind one day. I thought about throwing it into my short stories book but I'm not sure (it seems like it would get quite long for that but any stories involving Ana would have to go there...) But I abandoned it when I lost my motivation. Hence why it is here.

Disclaimer: Story takes inspiration from several fanfics I have read but I hope nothing is overtly obvious. (Another reason I abandoned it).


"I'm sorry, your Majesties," the man said. "But the evidence is incontestable. All of these items were found in her chambers. Letters proving communication between our enemies. Gifts for information received."
"There's got to be an explanation," Queen Lucy stated.
"Ana wouldn't betray us," King Edmund added.
"Then how do you explain all of this?" the man pressed. "I know she is close to you, your Majesties, but that is why I brought this matter to you in private."
"We'll talk with her," Queen Susan said. "I'm sure Ana has a reasonable explanation." 
"If you insist... But I strongly discourage such an action."
"Where is Ana now?" King Peter asked.
"No one has seen her since this morning," the man said. "It's likely she's out consorting with our enemies as we speak."
"Spread the word," the High King ordered, much to the surprise of his siblings. "Ana is to be arrested on sight and brought before the court."
"But Peter—" Susan began.
"We have to do this right. We've known about the traitor for weeks. We can't afford to show favourites. As much as I dislike it, we have to treat her as we would anyone else. If there's a logical explanation, Ana will no doubt provide it for us."
"And if there isn't?" the man asked.
"Then we have no choice." Everyone looked stunned at Peter's statement. "Thank you for bringing this to our attention," he told the man. "You're dismissed."

When the man was gone, the room fell silent. They were all a little confused by the events that had occurred. But it was Lucy's outburst that broke the shocked silence.

"Ana's family!" Lucy protested. "You know what the charge of treason is!"
"And if she's not the traitor then Ana will be fine," Peter told her. "And if she's the traitor... Does she really deserve to live?"
"She wouldn't betray us," Edmund reiterated. "We all know her."
"Then we have nothing to worry about," Peter assured his siblings. "But we cannot afford special treatment. Not when we have all this evidence."
"She's being framed," Lucy told them, crossing her arms. "Quite possibly by the man who brought all this evidence against her."
"That's unlikely since the order to search her chambers came from me," Peter told them.
"And what reasons would you have to search them?" Susan asked her elder brother. "Peter... is there something you're not telling us?"

Peter pursed his lips and seemed unwilling to speak. But his actions only proved that he knew something they didn't. Edmund was the one to press him.

"Peter... What is it?" he asked.
"I had reports that Ana had been spotted in areas where we've had squirmish in the past. Reports that she was sneaking out to speak with Felled Beasts and other enemies of Narnia," Peter admitted. "I didn't want to say anything until I was sure, but this evidence only proves her guilt."
"But there has to be a logical explanation for all of this," Susan said.
"She loves Narnia," Lucy added. "These are her people and she wouldn't do anything to harm them. Or us. There's something else going on here."
Peter nodded. "But with all the evidence staking up against her, it's going to be hard to explain it all. And we can't afford to show her favouritism. We have to do this right."
"She'll be humiliated in front of all of Narnia!" Lucy protested.
"Just the courts," Peter told her. "And that's only if she's guilty."
"Word spreads. When the people learn that Ana was even suspected of treason..." Lucy trailed off, letting her siblings fill in the gaps themselves.

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