Part 5

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Your pov
"W-what?" I ask blushing I deep shade of red.
"Look, I know we hardly know each other but I like love you and I can't deal with not knowing if you feel the same way" he says practically pushing me against the wall. all I can do is stare and blush. "sorry I shouldn't of said anything he says and goes to walk away. I grab his arm and turn him around.
"Hiro you haven't even heard my response" I say blushing redder.
"Sooo...." he asks.
"I like you too" I praticaly mumble and he pulls me into a sudden hug. it surprises me but I hug back.
"So you will be my girlfriend?" He asks.
"Of course I will!"
He leans in but his lab door opens to a oldish guy.
"Oh hey hiro who's this?" The older guy asks walking in. hiro lets go of me blushing. "oh this is (y/n)." he says.
"Hi (y/n) I'm hiros professor and the headmaster of this academy." he shakes my hand. "have you ever thought of joining us?" He asks.
"We accept everyone here. so you major in anything?"
"Well I major in robotics and graduated 3 years ago so I would love to join the school!" I say smiling from ear to ear.
"Good to hear. we will get you a lab set up as soon as possible but for now you can share with hiro" I squeal and hiro chuckles. "well you two have your fun" he laughs and walks out the room.
"So you want to help me make a robot?" He asks and I nod my head violently.
"Ok I'll go get some gummy bears you start sketching" he throws me a blue ringed note book. I open it and look at the drawings of a robot made out of black spheres and points on either side of the spheres. in scrawled writing that was bearly legible there was the words 'bot fighting'. hiro is into bot fighting? Too bad I left mine at home. maybe I could make a new one. I was pulled out of my thoughts by hiro leaning on my head.
"Ahh that's megabot. sweet isn't he?" He said chewing some gummy bears.
"Yea it must be easy to win a fight with him" I say
"Yup" he throws me a pack of gummy bears and pulls up a chair next to me.
"Do you think we could make a robot and go...." I was cut of by hiro
"Bot fighting? Hell yea!" He shouts
"Shut up then no one can know it's illegal" I whisper
"No bot fighting isn't illegal. but betting on bot fighting now that's illegal" he points out and leans back in his wheely chair"and anyway the labs are sound proof" he says like I was Meant to know.
"Let's get to work" he smiles and we start sketching the bot that would cause the chain reaction that would change our lifes.forever.

Nerdy love. Hiro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now