Journal Entry No. 6

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(The eight page on Luthor's observation journal)

Journal Entry No. 6

Pre-observational notes for today's journal entry:

Previous observational sessions demonstrated that the subject is exempt from adhering to basic human needs such as but not limited to—eating, sleeping, and bathing. However, LoReLeI may choose to do these to her own accord, but as it is not a main concern, the subject chose to stay in the forest premises.

Observationalist L.M. has taken it upon himself to bring the subject victuals upon his request.

October 5, 2017

It was almost three in the afternoon when I arrived at the forest. LoReLeI was staring absently at the waterfalls. What was she thinking, I wonder?

She brightened up the moment I greeted her. It was immediately replaced by a small frown upon seeing the multiple paper bags at my hands.

I know what she was thinking. She'd probably tell me that I will only be wasting this food on her. I was right.

Despite being alone here in the forest, LoReLeI is quite selfless, always prioritizing my comfort above everything else. While I admire that attitude of hers, I would greatly appreciate it if she would start thinking about herself more.

Not minding her stare, I placed the paper bags on the brown picnic blanket, pulling all the fruits, tea and homemade dessert I made one by one.

I subtly glanced at her. I couldn't help but let out a small smile when I saw her eyes widen at the sight. I like it when her eyes does that. It makes me be able to see her brown irises in full color.

(Last two sentences are scribbled out)

I was particular to not let our fingers touch as I handed her a small saucer containing a slice of blueberry cake I baked. It was the reason why I was late for our observational session. Cooking is something I'm quite fond of. Baking is also one of them. I hope the sweetness is just right to her taste.

I placed the teacup and the saucer at the middle. I'm glad that the kettle is still scalding when I poured the brewed chamomile tea in both our cups. I thought she had started eating the cake I gave her, but I noticed that she was peeling an apple. There was a contented smile resting on her face.

I looked down on the blanket and saw that she had already peeled and sliced the bananas and kiwis I brought her. It was placed aesthetically on one of the plate saucers.

My eyebrows furrowed. It's not something beginners can do, unless she has a knack on food plating.

When I asked her about it, she nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders at me. She told me she'd been feeling more relaxed and at ease. It's as if she'd unlocked a hidden memory vault and all the "human" things we've been doing lately feels so natural and familiar as if she's been doing it for years.

A conspiracy theory—which is something I normally don't do—is starting to formulate inside my head. It sounds ridiculous to the point that I find it hard to write it down on this journal. Doing so means I subject myself to this "madness" that I somehow managed to tangle myself into.

(A deep breath)

I reckon LoReLeI isn't a half human spirit of this forest, but rather, she is a lost soul who had wandered and settled here alone. For eternity? For a short time? That I do not know.

I am aware it is not a sound judgement, but it is what it is. Since we are doing this journal as partners and not just as the observationalist and his subject, I told her my thoughts and theories.

The moment I finished talking, she placed her right thumb and forefinger below her chin, her eyes looking down on the picnic blanket. It's a gesture I recognized that Loki does whenever he's thinking. I tried to ignore her a̶d̶o̶r̶a̶b̶l̶y̶ puffed cheeks as she was munching some sliced banana when I was sharing my theory.

I took a sip of my tea as I gave her the benefit of time. I knew that the familiar apple-aroma would calm me. As expected, it cleared the fogginess inside my mind.

But I think her nature-like laugh calmed me more than the chamomile tea did to me.

LoReLeI shook her head before she curiously stared at me.

"Does it matter to you?"

That was her exact question.

It does, I told her. If she really is a lost soul, I want her to peacefully pass on.

Her curiosity turned into shocked, into forlorn, then into understanding.

She stayed silent for a moment before she meekly congratulated me, saying that I was able to observe and form a final conclusion in less than ten sessions.

I shook my head in disagreement.

It is still conjecture, I reasoned to her. Unless I investigate further, it will remain a theory and nothing else.

Her reaction got me curious. She was looking at me with an expression I immediately recognized. She wasn't saying anything, but with just a single stare, I was able to understand her concern.

She didn't want me to look into her past because... she doesn't want to leave me behind.

Her lips pressed into a thin line as she avoided eye-contact.

A lost soul who needs to learn her past to move on...

Or a half human spirit cursed to disappear after touching a human...

Either way, LoReLeI exists in between realms of reality and illusion.

She's bound to end on either side of the spectrum, and it's clear that

(Handwriting became a little unsteady)

It's clear that this observational journal is nearing it's end...

Observational notes for today's journal entry:

The blueberry cake melted under the harsh rays of the sun. The subject was not able to taste it.

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