Journal Entry Nos. 9 to 13

68 6 11

(This is a set of short consecutive entries.)

(There are no pre- and post-observational notes on each journal pages.)

"The queen is the most powerful piece in the game of chess. It can move any number of squares vertically, horizontally or diagonally, combining the powers of the rook and bishop."

Luthor explained, placing the Queen piece in the chessboard. He then placed the Black King beside it.

"Last, the king. It can move one square horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, unless the square is already occupied by a friendly piece or the move would place the king in check."

He raised his gaze and saw LoReLeI listening intently. He internally smiled.

Nodding her head, she told him, "I see." She then settled her chin in between his right thumb and forefinger, eyes squinting at the chessboard. "I never thought chess was this complicated."

"It does, both by theory and by practice."

A contemplative silence surrounded them. Luthor didn't remove his gaze at the woman just 21 centimeters across him.

21 centimeters... from their meter distance.

A huge improvement, Luthor thinks.

"You really look kinder when you're smiling."

LoReLeI spoke, breaking him from his trance. She shook her head, the blush at the end of her cheeks evident. "Stop staring at me and direct your eyes on the chessboard."

Luthor quickly muttered an apology, but with the way it teasingly left his lips, LoReLeI knew otherwise.

(The eleventh page on Luthor's observation journal)

Journal Entry No. 9

October 26, 2017

LoReLeI has no future in chess.


"I haven't watched a lot of movies," Luthor admitted. He sat alongside LoReLeI, their fingers 19 inches away from touching.

"But there was this one anime film the student council watched during one of our breaks." He continued. He handed her his popcorn bowl. "If you're okay with that then we can watch it right now."

LoReLeI shrugged her shoulders. "I'm okay with anything as long as I watch it with you."

Luthor froze for a moment, and then he chuckled. "Feeling bolder now, are we, Ms. LoReLeI?"

LoReLeI giggled back. "Why, thank you, Luthor sir."

Both chuckled and giggled as they went in a comfortable silence. Luthor set up the laptop he brought in front of them before sitting crossed-legged in their shared grey picnic blanket.

The introduction played... and then went the first part... it was when they were halfway towards the movie when Luthor noticed.

LoReLeI was watching him watch the movie instead.

(The twelfth page on Luthor's observation journal)

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