Chapter 22 - The Empire Strikes Back

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"So, you see since we're a small operation, we don't fall into the jurisdiction of the Empire." Lando explains as their group walks through the halls.

"So you're part of the Mining Guild, then?" Leia asks.

"No, not actually. Our operation is small enough not to be noticed. Which is advantageous for everybody, since our customers are anxious to avoid attracting attention to themselves." He says.

"Aren't you afraid the Empire's going to find out about this little operation, shut you down?" Han asks.

"Yeah. You're not exactly subtle sometimes, Lando." Cordelia teases.

"It's always been a danger that looms like a shadow over everything we've built here. But things have developed that'll ensure security. I've just made a deal that will keep the Empire out of here forever." Lando replies. 

They stop in front of a door, which Lando opens after a moment. Darth Vader stands from where he was sitting at the head of the table. Cordelia gasps at the betrayal as Chewie roars, pulling her behind him. Han pulls his blaster and fires, but Vader stops them, taking his blaster with the Force.

"We would be honored if you would join us." Vader says. Boba Fett emerges from his hiding place in the back of the room. Stormtroopers appear behind them, leaving them completely surrounded. Cordelia clutches onto Chewie's arm, her heart heavy as she stares at her friend.

"I had no choice. They arrived right before you did. I'm sorry." Lando explains.

"I'm sorry, too." Han says. Chewie growls, keeping Cordelia close as they follow Han and Leia inside.


The door opens and two stormtroopers push Cordelia inside. She falls onto the ground and Chewie growls at them before the door shuts. A second later another door opens, and Leia walks inside. 

Cordelia spots Han and rushes to his side, Leia taking her place on his other. Chewie joins them, standing next to Cordelia.

"Why are they doing this?" Leia asks, stroking Han's hair.

"They never even asked me any questions." He says. Leia kisses his forehead and Cordelia grabs his hand. The door opens and Lando enters.

"Lando." She says. Chewie roars and Cordelia glares at him as he stands at the end of the metal bed.

"Get out of here, Lando." Han tells him.

"Shut up and listen! Vader's agreed to turn Leia and Chewie over to me. They'll have to stay here, but at least they'll be safe." Lando explains.

"What about Han and Cordelia?" Leia asks.

"Vader's given them to the bounty hunter." He replies.

"Vader wants us all dead." She tells him.

"He doesn't want you at all. He's after somebody called Skywalker." He says.

"Luke." Cordelia says quietly, looking at Han and Leia.

"Lord Vader set a trap for him." He adds.

"And we're the bait!" Leia finishes.

"Well, he's on his way." Lando says.

"You fixed us all real good, didn't you? My friend." Han says as he stands. He punches Lando, the effort taking him down. Chewie growls as one of the guards starts hitting Han and the other points his blaster at him. Cordelia and Leia rush to Han.

"Stop!" Lando demands. He puts his cape back on. "I've done all I can. I'm sorry I couldn't do better, but I've got my own problems." 

"You're a hero." Cordelia scoffs, glaring at him. He leaves the room, his guards following behind. 

"You certainly have a way with people." Leia tells Han. She and Chewie grab an arm and Cordelia directs them as they move him towards the bed.


"If only you'd attached my legs, I wouldn't be in this ridiculous position. Now, remember Chewbacca, you have a responsibility for me, so don't do anything foolish." 3PO says from his position strapped to Chewie's back. 

The group stops at the edge of the platform, Lando in front of them. Darth Vader walks down the opposite set of stairs.

"What's going on, buddy?" Han asks Lando.

"You're being put into carbon freeze." He tells him quietly.

"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me." Boba Fett asks.

"The Empire will compensate you if he dies. And you still have the bounty on the younger Solo. Put him in." Vader says.

Chewie growls and starts taking out the stormtroopers coming towards Han. 3PO and Han both yell for him to stop, but he doesn't until Han steps in front of him.

"Hey! Hey! Listen to me, Chewie. This won't help me." Han tells him as the stormtroopers start to cuff his furry arms. "Hey, save your strength. There will be another time. Bug, the princess. You have to take care of them. Do you hear me? Huh?" 

Cordelia steps up next to her brothers, fighting tears as she looks at Han. She throws her arms around him and buries her face in his chest, muffling her sobs. He comforts her as best he can with his wrists bound.

"I'll see you soon, Bug." He tells her, pushing her towards Chewie. She nods at him before turning and burying her face in Chewie's fur, who growls softly to comfort her, moving so he holds her to him. Han turns to Leia and kisses her before he's pulled away by stormtroopers, moving him to the center of the platform.

"I love you." Leia says.

"I know." He replies. His wrists are unbound, and the platform starts to lower. Chewie growls and Cordelia grips his fur as she and Leia bury their faces in his sides, unable to watch Han being frozen. 3PO complains about not being able to see, but they all ignore him.

Chewie growls as they watch the carbonite being pulled up, Han frozen inside. It slams to the ground when the arm releases it. Lando moves to check the information.

"Well, Calrissian, did he survive?" Vader asks.

"Yes, he's alive. And in perfect hibernation." He answers. Cordelia sighs, relieved that at the very least her brother isn't dead, just frozen.

"He's all yours, bounty hunter." He tells Fett. He nods at Vader, then moves towards Cordelia. He grabs her arm, and she goes with him willingly, knowing it's useless to fight when she's unarmed and he has his armor.

Tears stream down her face as she follows Boba and the stormtroopers through the halls, moving towards Boba's ship. They reach it quickly, with one interruption where Boba doubled back for a moment before rejoining them a moment later.

"Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold." Boba tells the officers when they reach the ship. He binds Cordelia's wrists before grabbing her arm and leading her up the ramp, then into the cockpit. He buckles her into the co-pilot's seat before sitting in his, starting the ship.

Cordelia stares out of the viewport as Boba flies away from the planet. She eventually falls asleep on the journey, too exhausted to stay awake any longer. She dreams of living with her family on a peaceful planet, free of any worries.

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