⠀⠀ hyacinth

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portrayal(s): txt, cixdebut year: pre-debutage range: 1999-2005

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portrayal(s): txt, cix
debut year: pre-debut
age range: 1999-2005

— ⌗ THRILLIN! RECORDS upcoming boy group, also known as the brother group of DÉSIR.
— ⌗ currently functioning as a trainee group, HYACINTH was introduced to the media alongside DÉSIR through a series of pre-debut mvs, and a variety show featuring the two groups by the name of DOUBLE TAKE.
— ⌗ named after the hyacinth flower symbolizing jealousy and sorrow, their concept centers around the trials and frustrations of being a youth in their current society.
— ⌗ THRILLIN! RECORDS has stated that the members will not have any fixed positions, in order to stay true to the concept of reckless adolescents still trying to find their place in the world.
— ⌗ with a lineup that has already been confirmed and revealed to the public, HYACINTH is steadily reaching their debut date.


position(s): n/aage range: 00' to 02' liner

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position(s): n/a
age range: 00' to 02' liner

✶          ˖            even with no official positions, the HYACINTH members were not shy in appointing OPENING SEQUENCE as their unofficial leader for his sensible and reliable personality. still, he is not the most well versed socially, ungainly with his monotone voice and lack of social perception, often missing certain cues and jokes that will fly over his head instead. he is the type to adamantly refuse a request only to go out of his way to complete it regardless, knowing it'll only haunt him for days and even weeks if he does not. he is tired and already overworked for someone who hasn't even debuted yet, but he is also too soft to refuse any of the often strange and senseless wishes of his dear members who are already a bit too comfortable around him. OPENING SEQUENCE is prone to being used as the 'guinea pig' of the group, whether it is in taking responsibility for a mistake made by one of the members — or in sparing them from embarrassing situations at the cost of his own dignity.

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