Chapter Five

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Darkpaw opened his eyes, blinking at the moonlit clearing that suddenly surrounded him. How did I get here? "Hello? Robinpaw, is this some kind of prank?" He mewed.

"No, little one, this is no prank. I have called you here for a reason." Said a large, grey-blue cat.

"W-who are you?" Stuttered Darkpaw, stumbling backwards.

"I am Mistystar, I was a Riverclan leader seasons ago. But I am here to talk to you about the future. Something is coming to the clans, something dark. you and Robinpaw must stop it." Mistystar says, her voice and form fading, "I do not have much time you must-"

"Darkpaw, Darkpaw! Wake up!" Meowed Robinpaw, urgently.

"Wha- what's going on. Robinpaw, get off me." Darkpaw muttered.

"You were yowling in your sleep and clawing up your nest. You looked like you were in pain."

Darkpaw stood up flinching at the pain that spiked through his muscles. "I-I'm fine, I just had a bad dream. Lets get ready for training."

"Are you sure?" mewed Robinpaw with concern.

"I told you I'm fine, just leave me alone!" snapped Darkpaw, eyes blazing.

Robinpaw stepped back, looking hurt. For a moment Darkpaw felt bad. Then he stalked out, trying not to look at the hurt in Robinpaw's eyes.  

"Darkpaw, you are going to be on the dawn patrol with me." Said Greytail.

"Great. just what I wanted. Trekking through the forest before the sun is even up." Meowed Darkpaw, sarcastically. "Just great."

"Enough with your attitude or you'll be on dawn patrol for the next moon. Apprentices these days." huffed Greytail.

Darkpaw sighed but didn't say anything else. He trudged into the forest after his mentor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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