S1 || Chapter 2, Abandoned Mansion.

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"What the fuck just happened." Chara looked around to see they weren't in school anymore. "Calm down-" the mysterious figure tried to say before getting cut off. "AND WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU.??!? ARE YOU SOME GHOST THAT'S GONNA KILL ME NOW?" Chara yelled and pointed at the mysterious ghost. "Kill you..? HAAHAHHA !!" They started to burst out laughing. Chara stared at them. Yeah laugh all you want asshole. I just had the worst fucking day ever and he's laughing his ass off. I don't even know what to expect anymore. They started to slowly stop laughing and catch their breath. "Sorry, I had to get you out of there before something worse could've happened." They explained. "What- What's your name anyways?" Chara questioned. "Ah, you can call me Klaus." Klaus introduced. "Did you live here?" Chara awaited an answer. "Yeah! Do they not make houses like these anymore?" Klaus tilted his head. Chara's mouth dropped and stared at him. "YOU WERE RICH?" Chara yelled. "Hey!! Not so loud!! Quiet down! And yes, I was rich. I wasn't happy though. It was nice being rich but my parents didn't give a shit about me. Fucking assholes." Klaus's mood dropped. "Oh geez.. I'm sorry about that.." Chara patted Klaus's spirity ghost shoulder?
"Also, what do you mean by something worse?" Chara looked at them very confused. "I- uh.." Klaus started to get worried. "What even are you?" Chara questioned again. "I'm might be a God..?" Klaus shrugged.

Chara stared at him and then looked at the ground. "HOLY SHIT IS THIS YOU??" Chara picked up a photo of two boys taking a picture together. "HEY GIVE ME THAT!!" Klaus snatched the photo out of Chara's hand. There was one boy on the left with some sort of mullet wolf cut and a nose piercing. He looked emo.. And the boy on the left was slightly chubby with stitch braids, a blue jacket, and basketball shorts. Klaus was rubbing the left side of the photo while smiling. "Are you gay you can tell m-" "WHAT??!?!?-''Do I really have to tell you.?" Klaus sighed. He and Chara were both sitting on the floor. I could definitely eat his hair. How is it floating and why is it so long? Chara looked left and right and back at Klaus and nodded. "Ughhh, fine." He rolled his eyes. "Do you know that this world is an Alternate Univer-" He tried to explain. "NO I'M TALKING ABOUT THE PHOTO!!" Chara scowled. "Oh. No, I'm not talking about it." He refused to tell Chara the connection between him and the boy that was in the photo. "Come on Klaus!! Tell me pleaseee!! What happened to him??" Chara pleaded. "What..What happened...to him?" Klaus froze. "Hey... Are you okay?" Chara started to worry. "Um..! Yes.! Everything is okay! No need to worry!" He assured Chara. Man.. I think I struck a nerve there.. best not to bring it up again- "Okay.. You know it's about time I should get over this.. Alright.. I'll tell you what happened.. At least my perspective." He sighed.

Me and that boy in the picture were best friends. He was my first ever friend. The nicest person I've ever met. He was charming, brave and very friendly. We spent everyday together. We were inseparable. It was my fifteenth birthday. I was waiting for him. Then I got a knock at my door. An unexpected visitor.. someone I wished would've never showed up. My father. He's the reason I'm the way I am now. I couldn't argue with him even if I tried. He told me to go with my mother and I did. I walked over to my mother and told her that dad was here and she grabbed my arm and took me to the basement of the mansion. I haven't been in the basement of the mansion before. We went into the basement and waited until we saw my father.. with.. my best friend. He had a black eye and was out cold.. He was grabbing him by his collar. I snapped and yelled at him. He was behind a glass wall. SLAM!! I banged my fists on the wall. The glass felt like it was made out of steel.. He yelled back and my mother only watched. Me and my Father never had the best relationship. My best friend started to wake up and looked at me very confused. Tears were rolling down my face.. I looked back at my father screaming. My Father smiled at me and said, "Let this be a lesson to you." He raised his fist as it burst into flames. I screamed pleading for him not to do what I thought he was going to do.. I banged on the glass even more and looked at my mother and yelled, "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?" She said nothing.. her face was blank.. with no emotion at all before saying, "We both agreed that this was for the best." My soul felt like it had shattered into a million pieces. I looked back at my father who was about to punch my best friend's skull through, "NO PLEASE DON'T DO IT-"
He did it.. He opened a portal to the Void.. and threw him in. I've never felt so empty in my entire life. My soul felt like it was drained. I was never the same after that day.

Klaus finished his story and looked at the floor of the mansion. Chara felt empathy for him and scooted over to him and hugged his ghostly body. He cried. He did for a while. At least for an hour.. "I'm really sorry for dropping that all on you.." he sobbed. "It's okay.. don't worry about it.! I'm really sorry that happened to you. And just before I came here... I lost my best friend as well.." Chara replied. Klaus looked over at Chara and hugged them. "I'm so sorry for your loss.." Klaus acknowledged. "So about this whole 'Our world is an Alternate Universe' do you mean that there's another me?? If so... THAT IS SOOO COOL!!" Chara squealed. "I- okay.. Wanna go see?" Klaus smiled. "YEAHHH? LET'S GO NOW!!" Chara jumped around the room. "Hold on kid, this is going to be one hell of a fucking ride." Klaus held Chara's hand and suddenly.. They were gone.


Zy Tale [ ALTERNATE ENDING ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ