S1 || Chapter 5, Time.

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As Chara and Klaus went through an inter dimensional portal, Chara glanced over at Klaus and saw his distressed face. "What's wrong?" Chara guessed that Klaus was worried. "Oh!- sorry it's nothing!" Klaus quickly turned to Chara and then faced the end of the portal. "Well, here we are!" Klaus implied. Well it did look like this was the end of the portal? It looks weird and I might need Sunglasses for this. "Wait-" Klaus quickly ran in front of Chara like he was protecting them from something..? Suddenly another portal opened and someone walked out of it. The person had wings for ears and had five eyes. The aura coming out of them felt heavenly. They were in some kind of business suit..? "Aww.. are you not happy to see me?" The mysterious person announced. Man they must have such a high ego. "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER." Klaus hissed. "I guess we're gonna have to do this the hard way.." they sighed. "You never were easy to deal with, always so annoying. And really. You're such a clown." They taunted Klaus. Chara started to get worried and looked at Klaus's face who was fuming. "Anyways, Dad wants the kid. So, just hand em over." They did that little hand thing to give them something they want. "Fuck off." Klaus scoffed. They sighed. "This is why I never liked you." They complained.

They suddenly appeared behind Chara and tried to grab them. Klaus quickly turned and back handed them. Knocking them out of the inter dimensional portal side. In the inter dimensional portal you can only stay in the middle if you go to the sides you will fall out and end somewhere else. Klaus grabbed Chara's arm and calmly said, "Sorry kid, we're gonna have to wait a little-" then when Klaus was exposed they violently kicked him in the head knocking him out of the inter dimensional portal. Now it was just Chara and them. "Sorry for my brother's rudeness.. he's always been like that even since he was little." They grumbled. "Allow me to introduce myself.. I am Andrei. God of Inter Dimensional Travel." They grabbed Chara's hand and shook it, "Yes, I know it does sound silly. But I'm always aware of who comes inside the au." They added. Chara was very uncomfortable just after Andrei kicked Klaus out of the inter dimensional portal. Wait.. they also said "dad" does that mean they're related..? "Anyways, right this was Chara." Andrei snapped his fingers and another portal opened up. "Go on!" They smiled. And Chara and Andrei walked through the portal.


VD was in his nice little dream world. Peacefully sleeping. A flower meadow full of shiny golden flowers. VD has always wanted to go to wherever that was.. he longed for it. He wanted it instead of being stuck in this hell of nothingness. As he dreamed he heard a THUNK! It's as if something or someone.. had tripped over him. He didn't bother opening his eyes to check. He wanted to stay in his nice dream world forever and never open his eyes again. Then he felt something dripping on his skull. In his dream it started to pour.. He was very confused at first but he didn't mind, he liked the rain. Clouds started to form blocking the sun and the golden flowers started to curl up, then the wind started to pick up and VD wasn't as happy anymore. He had no idea how such a wonderful dream could be ruined. Then he thought about what he did to other people and stayed quiet after that and when he was thinking the sun started to set and it was dark out but.. no stars. VD finally decided that he was gonna wake up because his wonderful dream got ruined.
As he slowly woke up he looked around and noticed that he was wrapped with cyan blue ish strings.? He was very confused and attempted to break out of it but then looked in some corner of wherever he was and noticed something staring at him. And suddenly.. SNAP! VD looks to see the strings had been broken and then looks at the eye staring at him.. it was menacing.. VD then looks in one direction and looks back at the eye and smirks before dissolving into the floor waving.. and leaving a load of black goo on the floor. VD ends up still in the void.. it looks like the void.. I have to still be in the Void right? Though this doesn't look like it, I have disintegrated into dust yet. So that has to be something. He turned and looked around this void. He noticed a bunch of blue strings on the floor and followed it. He walked. And walked and walked.. this felt like deja vu for him, and he walked with his head looking at the ground.. he wondered how his skull hadn't fallen off yet.. until finally he reached something.. and noticed a hand picked it up and looked up from the ground. And saw a big. BIG pile of bodies.. He stared at it for a couple seconds before his face lit up with joy. He ran over to it searching for something.. inspecting everybody in the pile. He jumped in the pile and only his waist and legs were out of the pile of bodies. VD was just scavenging through the piles and found tiny soul crumbs and then he heard, "Found you..." VD yoinked his head out of the pile and slowly turned his head around to see a funky skeleton smiling at him. VD slowly lifted his hand with the soul crumbs slowly shoved it in his mouth. They both stare at each other for a split second before VD starts sprinting away like a little kid who got caught stealing cookies. "Oh I see..! A game of tag ! Man.. you sure are.. you are a very interesting tv..." They chuckled. VD stopped running and turned around saying, "Did you just.. give me a nickname..?" VD's face lit up as he stared at the funky skeleton.

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