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Bea's POV:
"Come on let's just go!!" Alahna pleaded, she had been absolutely begging me to go to this pool party at Mikaela's for the longest and I really wasn't feeling it. "I NEED SLEEP." I huffed, mumbling as I spoke into the pillow.

"It'll be super fun, there'll be music and drinks and me." She smiled cheekily as I lifted my head to show her my distaste. "Fine if it shuts you up." I turned onto my back and tucked the pillow under my head, Nick was supposed to come for our weekly gossip session but I guess he'd forgotten.

Alahna picked up on the look on my face and slumped down beside me. "It sucks." She stated, referring to exactly what we were both thinking. "I'm glad you're here." I cringed at the corniness once the words had left my mouth and stiffened as Alahna hugged me. I wasn't the most affectionate.

"I love you pal." She kissed my cheek and I chuckled. "I love you too. Now let's get ready." I heard her whoop and laughed as I told Alexa to play my grwm playlist. Immediately, A boogie began pouring out of the speaker as we danced around and began changing.

"Makai what do you think? Kimono or no Kimono?" I raised an eyebrow as he looked up from his phone, he was lounging on the beanbag in my room. He placed a hand on his chin as I sighed at how dramatic he was before saying "Definitely Kimono. I like it. Very... Schmidt." He complimented as I rolled my eyes and threw it on. Alahna laughed as we finished up on getting ready and began heading downstairs.

Knocking on the door interrupted us as Alahna sprang up and ran for the door knowing exactly who it was. Me and Makai smiled in understanding as one of my oldest best friends stepped through the door and straight into Lahna's arms. "I missed you!" Alahna squealed as I pretended to gag at Makai. He mimicked a knife being dragged across his throat causing me to laugh loudly.

Kali damn near tackled me as she bear hugged me and smiled into my shoulder. "Are we ready to party?" She questioned as I watched Alahna snuggle into Kali's arm I smiled and nodded. Makai was coming with us too which would help the burden of being a third wheel for me. "Let's gooooo." She cheered as she swung her keys in her hand and we all made our way to her car.

"Shotgun!" Alahna jumped as Makai put her in a headlock and teased her "She's your girlfriend of course your riding shotgun." He muttered as I held a hand up for him to high five. We absolutely adored them together but sometimes their love was sickening for those around them.

Kali passed me the AUX and then held Alahna's hand over the gear stick, again their love was absolutely sickening, me and Makai meanwhile tried finding the perfect car song. With Migos playing and everyone singing along, we made our way to Mikaela's.

When we hopped out the car, music could be heard outside. The door was practically open and we wasted no time, slipping in. "MY BABIES!" Mikaela slurred as she pulled us in for hugs. She reeked of alcohol and I laughed as she pulled back and grinned in my face. Before any of us could greet her back she ran off and began smooching her boyfriend.

Alahna turned to Makai with a serious glint in her eye "Don't you dare drink a single thing here." She ordered as I nodded more to myself in agreement. "Was just about to say the same to you." He chuckled nervously before squeezing past and making his way over to his jock friends. I patted Kali and Alahna on the back awkwardly before making my way to the kitchen for some peace and quiet.

When I got there, I sat on the island and opened a can of soda that had been left on the side. Chugging it, I heard shuffling near the door and looked up to see who it was. "Bean?" A voice questioned as my eyes slightly widened, there was only one person who called me that and it was Matt.

"Matty?" I called as he fully entered the room and stood leaning against the door, he brushed his palm over his face as if this had been a complete inconvenience for him. My eyebrows furrowed, they weren't even in Boston. They'd been in LA for the past month, surely they wouldn't come back and not call? I thought to myself.

He cleared his throat, pulling me out of my thoughts. I stayed quiet, unsure of what to say and so did he. His eyes were narrowed and he was watching me like a hawk, wanting to see my next move. I lifted the can and finished it off before throwing it in the trash and making my way outside to the backyard. There was people everywhere, thankfully.

I hoped that meant I wouldn't bump into them again, things had been awkward for a while. They'd gone to LA and no one had stayed in contact, at least not that I knew of. It was as if, we weren't friends anymore. So I had no reason to actively seek them, before I could slip past the crowded people a hand slipped around my wrist and pulled me back until I felt my back press against someone's front.

Knowing exactly who it was I scoffed as he mumbled into my ear "How have you been?" I had been fine but he didn't need to know that, so I wriggled out of his grasp and beelined towards the first people I recognised.

Nate stood by the foyer, on his phone completely uninterested. Sighing, I leaned my back against the wall beside him and closed my eyes. "You good?" He asked, I plastered a smile on my face and he laughed in response. "You guys really should talk." He said, flicking my ear. I batted his hand away and sighed louder.

"Why does it always need to be me making the first move? People forget about us and what we're supposed to beg at their feet to remember how good we were to them?" I questioned almost angrily. Nate's face contorted to sadness, he knew me and Alahna had been left behind. They didn't need us anymore.

Nate swung his arm around me and I leaned on his shoulder, he then began spewing out his words of wisdom. "People change Bea, it doesn't mean they don't still love you." I nodded even though I didn't quite agree and we played candy crush to pass time.

That was until Matt showed up again this time with his brothers by his side. Alahna was behind them, her eyes in disbelief, it was clear they didn't know she'd seen them yet. She brushed past them and came to stand by my side along with Kali and Makai. Elmer who had been talking to some girls was sipping his drink, watching carefully. Nick pulled Alahna and me into his arms as we awkwardly patted him back.

"Hey guys!" He greeted as Chris grinned at us. "We're back in Boston baby." Chris whooped. Some noisy people whooped back as Kali glanced at me worriedly. I stayed silent the entire interaction, Matt's eyes didn't leave mine until they singled in on Nate's arms wrapped around me.

"Sooooo..." Nick began, Alahna smiled sadly, the awkwardness. The weirdness of not seeing your best friends for ages and not knowing what to say. I despised it. "We should all hang out." Nate suggested, I looked up at him and smiled at his attempt to soften the blow, Matt's jaw clenched as he watched me.

"Where could we go?" Nick asked, we made eye contact and I looked away. Chris noticed and furrowed his eyebrows confused. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, maybe I was being a bitch but I was still hurt. Elmer made his way down after finishing his drink and greeted the boys before standing between me and Alahna and slyly mumbling in my ear "Chill out B, they're trying." He squeezed mine and Alahna's hands before letting go.

"We could do my place." I awkwardly muttered, Chris' eyes lit up "Like old times?" He asked excitedly, Nick cheesed at me. Elmer nodded and Nate nudged me happily. Makai and Kali were chuckling in the corner watching some random prank videos and I just smiled uncomfortably as we all began talking.

Nate had gone to get root beers and pepsi's, Alahna was sat on the stairs talking to Nick, updating him on her and Kali. I was slumped on the floor beside Kali while Elmer and Chris were talking about music. I had nothing else to say in all honesty. I wasn't mad there was just no updates on my life. No relationship, no new friendships, no nothing.

Matt came in with Nate who randomly decided to go sit by Makai as he smiled encouragingly at me. Matt let out a sigh as he slipped down next to me. "Hi." His raspy voice sounded, I kept my eyes forward not facing him as I responded dryly. "Hey."

"Are you pissed at me or something?" He asked, I scoffed to myself. I saw Elmer's eyes on mine as I began getting up and walking away. Nick and Chris? Sure. But Matt knew what he had done, I had no reason to talk to him.

Footsteps became more apparent behind me as I stood in the empty, messy kitchen. Red solo cups, empty cans, random items of clothing all over the floor some thrown over the counters. I faced the counter as I leaned on it, closing my eyes and breathing deeply. Not wanting to have this conversation now, I knew it would have to be though.

I felt his hand gently tap my back and I moved away. "You... You." I stuttered, not even able to get out my words. "Say it." He stated, almost
ordering me to say what he had done. I spun around with the attitude of a psychopath and glared at him. "You kissed me and then you left."

My Boyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن