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Bea's POV:
"I can't believe you right now." I mumbled, Elmer had come over and told me the triplets were planning on leaving in a few days. Again. "Listen, maybe we could plan a send off or something," He offered and I glared at him, he sighed before sitting down at my desk and leaning back adjusting.

"Bea this is all they ever wanted." He whispered. I knew he said it because he was worried I thought the same of him too but I didn't, Elmer was on the come up and we'd never been closer. If he could maintain a friendship no matter the distance, why couldn't they?

"Does Alahna know?" I asked. We'd hung out once in their 2 week stay and that was because I had offered. I knew now more than ever I was being selfish, I was honestly pissed. He shook his head and looked at me through his lashes, Alahna would be really upset, we both knew it.

Elmer's phone rang with the name of his agent flashing on the screen. He switched it off and I gave him a look. "You should take it. Don't worry I'll talk to Lahna. We'll be fine." I reassured. He stood up and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead before ruffling my hair. "I'll be over again soon okay?"

I smiled at him and he left, I then inhaled before picking up my phone and texting Alahna to come to my house. She was there within seconds, knowing something was up.

As expected the waterworks began and I was by her side rubbing her back, reassuring her that none of this was her fault. I was sat with my arms wrapped around her when I heard the doorbell ring and my mom answer it.

The voices were muffled but I knew exactly who it was when I heard familiar sequence of footsteps trodding up the stairs and lingering outside my room. Alahna was still in my arms before she jolted up and faced me with red splotchy cheeks and panicked eyes.

"Can I come in?" Matt's voice rang through the thin walls as Alahna ran to my bathroom and locked herself in before I could convince her otherwise. I sighed, hearing him do the exact same on the opposite side as I went over to the door and hovered my fingers over the handle. Did I really want to face him?


I slid down the wall and sat there, after hearing shuffling I assumed he did the same. Silence engulfed the walls and I could feel the tension rising. Alahna was definitely crying in the bathroom right now by herself and I was exhausted at the thought of all this happening again.

"I know Elmer told you." His tired voice rang. I didn't say a word, knowing I didn't want to give him an insight to how hurt I was, again. "Bean we want you guys to come with us. We booked tickets for you guys and didn't tell you on purpose. We haven't told anyone but I can't let you think we're just leaving again."

Shock filled my veins as I processed his words. The silence continued, I didn't know what to say. "Say something... anything." As if reading my mind, he suggested. Even then I couldn't. Alahna had opened the door and sat beside me as I mouthed his words, repeating them back I saw her eyes widen.

"I can't leave everything we have going on behind. My parents." I stumbled over my words as I heard his sharp intake of breath. "Bea please open this door." He rasped. I closed my eyes as a tear slipped down my cheek. He knew what I meant, I didn't want to go, I liked Boston. LA was full of influencers and people I didn't need to be around.

He still didn't know Alahna was there as he continued talking. "I told you I can't lose you again. This time you're going to push me away?" He questioned, an ounce of disgust covering his words. I sighed. Alahna leaned her head on my shoulder, comforting me.

I inhaled and deemed no response good enough, hearing his sharp intake of breath and the sound of what I assumed was a punch to the wall he left. Silence engulfed the room and Alahna tightened her grasp on me feeling my body scrunch into itself, my body language, a painting of how I was feeling.

"You should go." I whispered looking at her through my lashes. Her eyebrows furrowed as she began shaking her head. "One of us should... And it won't be me." I confirmed. This time she shook her head incredulously. "We're a package deal Bea."

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