Nothings new

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Bea's POV:
"Are we going to talk about tonight?" Matt asked as he sat down on my bed with tired eyes. After speaking to Elmer, I'd checked on Alahna who was asleep on Kali's chest and then headed into my own room for some quiet time. It lasted all of 20 minutes before Matt came up. "Nothings new." I said, without any explanation or continuation, just those two words that summed up what our group had become. "Are you going home with Elmer?" He asked me, his eyes following my every movement as I tucked hair behind my ears. My fingers ran over each piercing as I cleared my throat and responded "Moms worried. Yknow with the pills and everything." I mumbled.

"Fuck. Bea you didn't bring them?" He asked, outraged. I shook my head and shrugged, "You know they're only there for when things are really bad." I reassured. He sat down at the end of my bed with his head in his hands, I crawled over to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. Suddenly feeling afraid of whatever words were going to come out of his mouth next. "Nick's pissed." He admitted. I felt like scoffing but bit back.

"I just wish you guys could talk it out instead of bringing it up during a normal, calm day." He sighed, still not looking up. I pulled back a little and leaned back against the headboard again, he noticed and turned around, finally lifting his head. "Bean." He said pausing as I began shaking my head and saying "No."

"Don't say it." I said, feeling my heart thump in my chest. "I love you." He said. I kept shaking my head, not wanting to hear those words during all this chaos. It wasn't fair. "No Matt." I repeated, the word no left my lips countless times yet he carried on. "I love you so much it hurts." He breathed, his chest moving up and down quickly. "Just stay in LA please. Stay here with me. Talk things out with Nick and we can be together here."

I shook my head and I could see his eyes pleading, but this was typical Matt. Everything revolved around their lives, their dreams, their plans. "No." I said plainly, not expanding because I'd already explained things to him countless times. "Why are you doing this? Chasing after Alahna, arguing with Nick?" He asked, his voice was still calm but the sense of hurt was very much evident. "She's my best friend. She stuck around when you guys didn't and I didn't argue with Nick. I walked away because I don't care for the confrontation any more." We were talking calmly, there was still tension and I could tell he was pulling away from me.

"I'm not leaving my parents in Boston and I'm definitely not leaving Alahna, Kali, Makai, Elmer, Nate they are family, Matt." I sighed. He looked out the window for a brief seconds before his eyes travelled back to mine. "When are you going back home?" He breathed. "Tomorrow evening." I replied. After a few seconds, I grasped his hand in both of mine and brought them up to my lips. Just like always, he looked at me with ocean blue eyes, gazing at me with nothing but warmth. "Facetime me when I get home?" I asked. A small smile tugged his lips up as I waited for him to respond.

"Yeah, okay bean." He smiled, leaning over and pressing his lips to my forehead. He hesitated, looking into my eyes, before finally scuffling next to me on the bed. I leaned onto his chest and felt his breathing patterns as he ran his fingers up and down my arm. "Don't mess up this install." I scolded jokingly, as he chuckled above my head "Yeah I've been meaning to ask. How is it being Bryce Hall's rockstar." He teased, I elbowed him in his abdomen and felt him hiss as I smirked. "Bryce is the least of your worries anyway, I have a question Matthew Bernard Sturniolo .." I stated.

He hummed a small "What?" as he lifted my jaw with two fingers, to look back up at him. "Will you be my lover boy?" I couldn't hold back the laugh that left my mouth, a tinge of red crept up onto his cheeks as he shook his head and buried his face in my neck. "Only if you'll be my lover girl." I theatrically said, he groaned as he lifted his face and looked into my eyes. "Truce?" He held out his pinky finger, while still giggling I interlocked mine and his.

"How is Makai?" Matt asked, when we were both composed. I smiled before replying "He's doing great. He comes over almost all the time, I think he met someone at an away game recently." I explained, I had my head resting on Matt's chest facing him while I lay on my stomach. He had his hand on the back of my neck, while the other one caressed my face. "I miss him." He almost whispered, my stomach clenched at his admission and I didn't know what to say other than, "Come to Boston and see him then."

"The next time we are coming will be in two weeks before Christmas." He added, waiting for me to say something in disagreement but I smiled and nodded. "Hows things been up here?" He asked, poking the side of my head. I smiled and shrugged as much as I could while being on my stomach. "It's okay. Let's listen to some music." I offered, barely moving and picking my phone up. It was already connected to the Alexa in their room so I clicked on Once a day by Mac Miller and let the music stream into the room. I felt Matt's breathing calm and couldn't help but smile, the smallest things helped his anxiety and learning each one was a little insight into how to help him.

My head slipped so the left side of my face was on his chest and my eyes were fluttered shut and I hummed the lyrics to the song. I could feel his eyes on me, but I just needed to close my eyes and imagine this was it. No leaving and no fighting. "Promise me you'll talk to Nick sometime soon?" He whispered. "Okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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