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Bea's POV:
Apparently while I was drunk, I was pretty forward too. After dm'ing Bryce back I'd fell asleep last night and when I woke up I'd seen my face on some tik tok gossip page. As I put my phone down and sighed, I heard ruffling beside me on Nate's couch. Spoiler alert, it was Alahna bear.

"Good morning sunshine!" She smiled as I groaned at the knowing smirk on her lips. "Don't play dumb, go on.. make the jokes." I urged as a loud laugh slipped from her lips. "Even the paparazzi team Bryce right?" She giggles as I shoved her. "Ok but seriously show me the texts!"

brycehall - If ur ever in LA I'd love to hang out 👀
brycehall- Ps you're heaven sent.

beanoelle - do u still own the stop looking at my dick sweatpants ?

brycehall - absolutely not

beanoelle - good.
beanoelle - ur kinda cute eh

Me and Alahna physically cringed at this point.

brycehall - Let me take u on a date😩
brycehall - ONE CHANCE

beanoelle - i'll rhink about it

brycehall - I think you're my future wife

beanoelle - stop double texrubg

I physically couldn't cope reading anymore messages but Lahna found them fun and sweet. I honestly kind of liked not caring about things too deeply. Nate was awake and was also reading the messages with widened eyes and a playful smile.

"Woah Bea slow down player" He teased as I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at him. Alahna's face halted and her and Nate made eye contact. I waited for them to offer an explanation and when they didn't I slowly grabbed my phone from Alahna's hand and swiped down to see three or four notifications.

He had called me two or three times.

Matt - Pick up.
Matt - He's a fucking tool

Who the fuck told him?
"He has no right to be mad honestly." Alahna said, confirming my exact thoughts. Nate looked torn with an expression that clearly spoke what his mouth wouldn't. "You don't agree?" I asked Nate.

"He's going through it right now guys. His anxiety is crazy and he refuses to talk about it with me cuz he thinks he'll be worrying me too much."

I stood up and went into Nate's backyard before clicking on his name in my phone and hitting the call button. He answered almost immediately.

"hi." My voice barely audible. I heard a deep breath before his response "Come to LA. Please." His voice pleading, my throat was tight with emotion, a tear threatening to fall as I listened to his breathing. "I don't think I fit into your guys' lives anymore." I whispered. I knew he heard my confession as his laboured breaths flew through my ear. "Don't say that to me Bea. Not after every thing." He begged. I couldn't speak, knowing if I did tears would spill so I let him.

"You and Lahna and Nate. We need you guys. I need you."

"I'll speak to them."

I inhaled the fresh air after hanging up, fanning my eyes so it wouldn't look as though I had gotten emotional even though they all knew I always did when speaking to Matt. When I felt ready, I made my way back inside before standing in front of Alahna and Nate with a firm look in my eyes.

"Guys I think we're needed in LA."

After explaining the situation to both of them, we decided to try and book the next flights out in order to be there for our friends. My mind was a mess, confused on how to navigate the chaos between us and them. The second the thought crossed my mind my stomach dropped, when had it become us and them. I shook the thought away and waited for Nate to fill a backpack of clothes before flipping me and Alahna off for teasing him about how little he'd packed.

Alahna's house was practically on the way to the airport so we stopped off at hers and she insisted I borrow whatever I needed. Once we'd finished, I was stood by the door trying to call my parents as both Alahna and Nate waited in the car. My mom answered immediately asking me if I was okay.

"Mom, Matt, Nick and Chris are asking us to go to LA to see them. They sounded pretty stressed on the phone and I was just wondering if-" She cut me in with a sigh. "Bea are they being kind to you?" The question completely threw me off guard but was typical of my mom, the concern of a doting mother.

"I think I'm the one who hasn't been very kind mom." I admitted, I looked at Nate and Alahna, Nate in the drivers seat smiling at me encouragingly while Alahna sent a thumbs up my way. I did the same and focused in on my mom's voice. "I'll speak to your dad. Please be safe and call me when you get there." She sighed defeatedly, I exhaled a breath I didn't know I'd been holding in.
"I love you mom."
"I love you more than life baby. Travelling is all you've wanted to do so go check on those boys and enjoy yourself. Besides it'll give me time for a much needed catch up with Mary Lou." Her warm chuckle filled my ear through the phone, lifting my cheeks into a deep smile, at the sound.
"I'll call you when we land. Bye mom."
"Bye baby."

With the confirmation I needed sent my way, I hopped in the back of Nate's car and reached for the AUX. I hit shuffle on my phone, it was still pretty cold in Boston so I picked up Nate's hoodie from the seat beside me and threw it on. The second I found another I passed it forward to Alahna who blew me a kiss in appreciation. Nate watched quietly but amused. Circles by Mac Miller began streaming out of Nate's speakers and we all looked at each other contently, maybe this was the beginning of us healing our friendships again.

I leaned back and looked out the window as the song played, deep in thought as Alahna and Nate discussed their top favourite movies of all time. As I looked out the window, I could see my whole life. Home. It hadn't been home for long but it was familiar now, warm and always there to welcome me with open arms.

At some point I must've fell asleep because by the time we got there, Nate was gently tapping me awake. "Wake up bumblebee." He mumbled, holding out a hand for me to take which I graciously did. Alahna yawned tiredly but linked arms with me and Nate as we walked to the entrance of the airport with nothing but backpacks.

okay mentally i just cannot escape the triplets cuz why am i dreaming about them guysssss😩 the worst thing is they'd probably hate this story 😭😭😭 WORTH IT FOR THE GIRLIESSS THOOOOO IF UR CONFUSED ABOUT THE FACE CLAIM DW I AM TOO BUT I JUST LOVE RHESW PINTEREST WOMEN SO IDC GO WITH IT
i love u all
dont make it weird

My Boyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें