episode 4: l'manberg

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                         Time skip

Niki's pov:

After that, we want back to l'manberg and then we walk in to the big yellow and black walls, that's when I saw fundy,Tommy and eret running towards us (a/n aka Niki,tubbo and Wilbur)  "Hey guys we have been look for you every where. are you guys oka---, WTF happened her/him/them and what happened to your hands will and Niki your ar--" Tommy and fund Siad at the same time before Wilbur cuts both for them off  by saying "Can't you guys see thats some of us are really injured here" wilbur signed. But me on the other hand I was holding my arm because it was in so much pain, I was getting really dizzy and I didn't know what to do but all I know is that tubbo was looking at me with a scared look on his face like he just saw a ghost "Niki are you alright you look Kinder pale" tubbo Siad  "No not really" I said well looking at tubbo with a really sick look in my face and before I new it every things went black.

Tubbo's pov:

I look at Niki with a scared look on my face, "Niki are you alright you look Kinder pale" I say with the same face as before "No not really" Niki said well looking at me with a really sick look. "NIKI" I yelled out, because she was about to hit the ground but eret catched her just in time and then he place her carefully on the ground, (a/n I do not know what eret's pronounces are so sorry if I get it wrong OK BACK TO THE STORY NOW)"you guys Niki has Lost a lot of blood and it looks like it's coming from her Arms and legs, what happened to (y/n) looks like she/he/they have nothing on her/him/them so then why is/are (are is for they) she/he/they blackout" eret finished his sentence with confusing written all over his face as he looked at me.

I looked straight at the ground, trying not to cry and not wanting them to see me cry either but Tommy noticed it and ran up to me and hug me, to comfort me and so no-one will see me cry "Hey it's ok toby, don't cry your going to start making me cry now" Tommy say's with a fake sad face that I giggled at. "Hey Tubbo what happened out there with you,(Y/n) and Niki" fundy say's with a little scared look in his eyes but try to hide it 'even those his really bad at hiding it' I looked at the ground again "hey it's ok you don't have to tel--" Wilbur say's before I cuted him off  "The Dream team seated up an ambush for us, but if (Y/n) wasn't there me and niki wouldn't be Alive right now" I say as I was still looking at the ground. But I looked up to see that everyone is looking at me in complete silence, untill Wilbur broke it "Wait, do you know what happened two (Y/n)" he siad with a scared look imprinted on to his face "what do you mean will" eret siad.

(A/n): 559 words not include author's notes, hey everyone I'm sorry for not posting my story part's, sorry shot part again, I have school and I hate it, already have a great day or night wherever you are and eat some water and drink some food ok byebye

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