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'He literally told me to meet him at the park later'

'What was he saying?'

'I don't know, he didn't finish'

'Well then you better hurry your ass up and find the fuck out'

'Okay, okay let me put on a sweater and I'll go'

'It's dark out better hurry'

Once you did you walked out and quickly got to the elevator. You sighed as you walked to the park.  You sat on one of the benches, you found Tsukishima wandering around.


He turned around, he saw you.

'What did you want to talk about?'

He stopped for a second, thinking.

"So just ask her out to see if she'll say yes on the last day"
"What's the worst that could happen? She says no, okay you'll never see her again"

You asked him the question again, he sighed as he answered.

'Look Y/n, when I said that shit at the sweet shop, I meant like I could tolerate you not like...'

 'Oh-OH yeah.. I got it, totally! It's fine' 

 You said and put double thumbs up.

 'Just didn't want you to think-- I didn't want a miscommunication or something' 

 'Yeah I got it'

'Kay, well I gotta go'


 You said and he turned around and walked. You bit your lip in regret, you sighed. 

 'fuck it..'


 You turned him around and cupped his face and kissed him. He didn't know how to react, he didn't even put his hands down. You let go of him and even though you tried to think, it was blank. You tried to think, but nothing. He couldn't even think. He was on autopilot the moment he grabbed your waist. He held one of your hands in his, he kissed you and let go. 

'what the fuck...'

 You whispered to yourself, barely audible. He laid his forehead on yours and smirked.

'the fuck was that for?'

He whispered and laughed.

'Just because, I felt like it'

'you're fucking corny...'

'but don't you love my corniness?'

He rolled his eyes and kissed you again. He smiled into the kiss and you melted.

🗸 Kei Tsukishima x F!Reader | The ProjectWhere stories live. Discover now