a certain bomb (part one)

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your eyes snapped open. you looked left and right. this wasn't your bedroom. of course it wasn't, because last night wasn't a dream. you had your doubts, of course. anyone would if they suddenly fell from the sky and into the world of their favorite show. but where you woke up was proof enough that it wasn't a hyper realistic dream. this was the exact same apartment depicted in the anime. well, not the exact same. you were technically in the flat one over from atsushi. but as no changes had been made to your or his room yet, they could easily be mistaken for one another. you checked the time.

7:47am. if your memory serves you correctly, when atsushi picked up his phone to answer dazai's call in the second episode, it was 8:53. that meant you had exactly six minutes if you wanted to guarantee you got to dazai before he could call atsushi. you didn't really think about it that long. you quickly opened the door and rushed down the steps, when you thought of something.

dazai was smart. the chances of him actually landing in the predicament of the oil drum and genuinely being at risk for losing his lower body with no plans to escape but praying atsushi would follow through were slim. it was more likely than not incredibly intentional. more likely than not he set that up on purpose as a chance to speak with atsushi. now, you could continue to interfere knowing this fact good and well, but... then things would go differently than when you watched the show. and that's the last thing you wanted. with no actual ability in a world like this, your knowledge of the future was about all you had to keep you afloat. allowing yourself to interfere too much and send the plot off its intended course could rob you of that advantage, and you certainly didn't want that.

you chewed at your lip. you certainly didn't wanna just sit in your room either, so you made up your mind. as quietly as you could, you snuck around the complex and squished yourself against the side wall. you had a decent enough view of the oil drum and dazai, and since when atsushi comes down, the two would be focused on each other and not looking for anybody else, chances are you'd be able to stay undetected. that's good.

it seemed you were right on time. just as you snatched your hiding spot, atsushi came barreling down the stairs. your eyes followed him as he reached dazai. they were a little quiet from this distance but it was close enough to be able to make out the words with little effort.

"uh... what are you doing?" atsushi said slowly, equally concerned and confused at the sight before him.

"what do you think?"

"i think i'm hallucinating this whole thing..?"

"wrong! guess again."

"an attack? from a dangerous suspect? or did you get caught in a trap?"

"i got in myself."

atsushi let out a small noise of surprise, somehow appearing even more confused than he did previously.

"well you see," dazai continued again, "i read about this fascinating way to commit suicide by getting stuck in an oil drum, so i decided to give it a shot. securing the feet is key. but now that i managed to do that, i'm really just suffering. i wedged myself in pretty deep. and i can't get out on my own. i might die."

"i see... so this is a way to commit suicide. you chose to do it and you think that it's working, i don't see what the problem is."

"i like the idea of suicide, but i'm not at all interested in pain and suffering. who wants that?"

you smiled slightly. the dialogue, the voicing. it was all the same as the very first time you watched the show. everything was perfect and the same way you remembered it to be. it was incredibly serene.

a loud crash pulled you out of your thoughts. it seemed while you were pondering to yourself, atsushi pushed over the oil drum.

"hah, that was painful! i owe you a favor atsushi! without your ingenious help, i would've eventually snapped in two at the waist... such agony."

you only live twice - bsd x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora