muder on D street (part one)

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"hey harunochi," ranpo spoke up. he was about the only person in the room who hadn't been helping out with the clean up duty. well, him and you. he sat on a desk next to a window, idly swirling a now empty ramune bottle in his hand. you stood in an opposite corner, leaned against the wall with your arms crossed over your chest. now that you thought about it, you hadn't done much of any work today. you'd spent most of your time organizing thoughts, coming up with plans, deciding on how you wanted to deal with upcoming events, theories on how you got here, and recalling your analyses of the characters around you to the best of your ability. "a challenge for you. do you think you can take the marble out of this bottle?"

"i think i can do that." harunochi smiled gently in his direction, not for a second objecting to pulling away from the workload to get a single marble. no one else in the room seemed to pay much mind, you and atsushi were the only ones even glancing up at the two.

"is this what you wanted?" it didn't take long for her to leave and return. a single glass marble in her hand which she passed over to ranpo.

"mmhm... marbles are lovely, aren't they?"

"now that you mention it, yes they are."

"um... isn't ranpo gonna help clean up the office?" atsushi slid over to where kunikida stood in front of the bookshelves, placing items back in their correct space.

"hey, kunikida?" ranpo began, only continuing when he earned a hum in response from said male (along with atsushi's panic no doubt out of fear that ranpo had overheard). "i cant stay. gonna head off to a job."

"oh, have you been called to assist with a new murder case?"

"yup!" ranpo hopped off the desk he was seated atop. "the police are always so desperate for my help, they can't capture a single criminal without me. the fact is, my ultra deduction is the best ability in this agency. i'm sure it's the best power in the whole country. it's no surprise that everyone depends on it."

"we're all indebted to you, ranpo." kunikida spoke, pausing from placing books back on the shelf.

"good, well you know, as long as you're aware." ranpo began to make his way towards the exit. "funny, it's odd you call yourselves the detective agency, 'cause the rest of ya' have the combined deductive powers of a pack of monkeys. the only way you can investigate anything is thanks to my ability."

"what you do is truly amazing!" harunochi praised, turning from the desk where she was organizing files. "with your ultra deduction skills, you can see right to the heart of a case in an instant."

"you're a role model for the agency, no, for all gifted people." kunikida added on.

"yeah you're right." ranpo only hummed in agreement, still faced away.

"hey kid," kunikida turned to atsushi. "nevermind the clean up here. you're done. you need to go with ranpo. you two will travel by train."

"i-i'm gonna be a detective's assistant? that's a great responsibility..." atsushi mumbled into the stack of bugs he held.

"don't be silly!" ranpo piped up. "i'm not a 2-bit detective. i don't need an assistant."

"...then why am i going with you?"

"simple. i never bothered to learn how to take the train."

with a small dip of your head as acknowledgment between the two, you moved to walk away. maybe you could go down to café uzumaki and get a drink or something. only to be stopped when ranpo to turn his attention towards you.

"hey! don't go running off, you have work to do too."

"hm?" you hummed in confusion, turning up to him.

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