murder on D street (part two)

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"well then, the killer is you. i know that you did it, sargent sugimoto." you raised your hand casually, pointing at him as his expression morphed into plain disbelief.

"huh?" the man in question replied back dumbly.

"he did it?" atsushi flipped between looking towards you, sugimoto, ranpo and minoura, full of doubt.

"haha, sargent sugimoto works for me on the force." minoura said like it hadn't been said already and like it did anything to prove his innocence.

"well, sargent sugimoto is also the one who killed yamagiwa." you shrugged, a small lilt in your voice.

"ridiculous! what stupid killer would wanna come back to the scene of the crime?" minoura snapped  back.

"that's exactly why he's here. he wants to stay close to the investigation. oh! and i didn't mention it but i know where we can find the evidence to prove it. let me see your gun." you turned to sugimoto as you spoke.

"y-you've gotta be kidding me. i can't just hand over my firearm to a civilian, they would take my badge away!" sugimoto crossed his arms over his chest.

"well how convenient for you two." two? did minoura just lump you and ranpo on the same boat? "your source of evidence is the one thing you can't look at."

"but think of it like this: if we examine the gun and come up empty, then you prove you're right and the agency is nothing more than some overconfident idiots." your eyes flickered to each of the surrounding people individually and you half noticed that dazai wasn't where he stood moments ago. when did he get behind you?

"hm. i've had enough of listening to your colleague's annoying voice. sugimoto, show 'em your gun."

"but sir-"

"this so called 'detective agency' has barked up this tree as far as they can go. if we prove them wrong they'll shut up and go home." it seemed minoura really had equated your attempt as representation for not only ranpo but the rest of the agency as well. when did your presence begin to hold so much weight in this conversation? was it something about the way you asked to take a shot at the case? or maybe the way ranpo had agreed made it sound like he was already backing whatever you had to say. "go on, you can show 'em your gun."


"hey what's the matter, sugimoto?" minoura continued after the tense pause.

"even here in a city full of criminals, it isn't easy to acquire government issued ammunition. or for that matter, a government issued weapon." you smiled, happy to explain.

"why aren't you saying anything, sugimoto?!" minoura's expression had so quickly melted from confidence to panic, it was almost funny.

"he's quiet but i think his mind is racing." ranpo fake whispered, certainly loud enough for the whole group to hear.

"maybe he's thinking about the three bullets he's used, and how he'll explain their absence." you responded back to ranpo, your voice hushed but at an audible volume as well.

"sugimoto! you can't be the killer! show us your gun and get this over with!" minoura yelled out, trepidation lacing his voice.

a couple more beats of silence passed and then sugimoto reached for his gun, slowly bringing it out from its holster.

"that's right, detective." minoura ushered him to continue.

only for sugimoto to flip off the safety, raising it to point directly at you. you heard a mumbling from somewhere behind you and to your left, which you assumed to be dazai speakingand before you knew it the gun had fired into the air and sugimoto was restrained by atsushi on the ground. given all the commotion, it only took a few seconds for the rest of the task force to gather around.

"let me go, i'm not responsible!" sugimoto pleaded from his position on the ground, as if he hadn't just attempted to shoot you just moments ago.

"running away isn't gonna help. i already know the murder took place early yesterday morning at the abandoned shipyard. it's just a few hundred meters upstream from here." you hummed aloud.

"how'd you know that?" sugimoto's face was filled with some kind of genuine terror, you noticed as you crouched down to his level.

"i'm sure we'll find more evidence over there! including your footprints and her's. probably also the blood stains you tried, and failed, to erase." you smiled, lowering your voice as you leaned in, just a little bit.

"how could you know that? no one could have figured it all out." sugimoto's voice was slightly broken as he watched you push yourself back to your feet.

"okay, save your confession 'till we're back at the station." minoura reached into his pocket, pulling out a pair of handcuffs. "might be your last time there."

it wasn't a long drive until you'd arrived at the police station. your group quickly navigated into the interrogation room, where sugimoto was promptly handcuffed to the table.

"it was never my plan to shoot her." he began without any further persuasion. "you see she- she was following leads in a small-time corruption case. but as she dug into it, she realized she'd uncovered a larger crime involving a politician. but the politician knew he was vulnerable and already had a mole inside the force to get rid of any evidence."

"the mole you're mentioning, it's you, isn't it?" you prompted.

"gah, i had always wanted to become a police officer. he found me when i was depressed. i was at a low point after my third time failing the entrance exam. he asked me what i was willing to do to join the force. he used his influence to help me become a cop but there was a price. i had to report to him and follow his orders."

"so he ordered you to kill yamagiwa and you obeyed like a lap dog?!" minoura slammed his fist on the table.

"that's not true!" sugimoto refuted "i was trying to warn her about him. he was on to her. he'd kill her if she didn't give up her investigation but she just wouldn't listen to me. i tried to get her to hand over the evidence by threatening to shoot myself, but she just tried to wrestle the gun out of my hand. when we were fighting over it the trigger accidentally got pulled and i- i shot her."

"but we both know the story doesn't end there, does it?" you picked up where he had stopped talking. "there's still the matter of what you did with the body. you were in a bind. you panicked and made a rash choice. you called the crooked politician for help. he told you to destroy the evidence by making it look like a mafia hit. so you fired two more shots into her chest. you set her adrift in the river to delay the body's discovery."

"where's the evidence yamagiwa had gathered? that politician is responsible for her death. tell me right now!" minoura stood up, shouting.

"hey, sugimoto." you stood up from your chair as well, albeit far more calmly. you made your way over to where sugimoto sat. "want me to guess what her final words were? i have an idea. 'i'm sorry'. correct?"

"how?" sugimoto bent over the table, crying. "how could you possibly know all that? the evidence she had on the politician is in my desk drawer."

that was about the last thing discussed inside the interrogation room. the case was closed and now you and your coworkers stood outside of police station.

"thank you, i suppose." minoura began. "also, i'm sorry i doubted your special powers. we'll come to you the next time we get a tough case."

"if you need my ultra deduction abilities or their intuition all you have to do is ask, detective. i may even give you a discount." ranpo smiled at minoura.

walking back to the train station, your pace matched with ranpo. you had to be several feet ahead of both atsushi and dazai. with a quick glance back, you confirmed that both of them were talking. but it seems you were too far ahead to hear what they were saying. but even if you didn't  actually have a power, you could make a pretty decent guess as to what it was. typically, you'd have their conversation down word for word, but there's no doubt your choices today had affected their dialogue. maybe they were even talking about you more than ranpo. good.

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