wan! chapter two

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things around the agency were very rarely peaceful. but being used to the chaos doesn't change the exasperation you feel some days. no matter how unruly things around here were, walking into the office to be met with a shrieking and panicked kunikida still wasn't a great start to the day.

"there you are! have you seen my notebook??"

"...no? i just got here.."

"i know! i know, but i just had to check. i've been looking everywhere since last night. dammit! i had this whole month planned to a T, and if i can't find it the whole thing is ruined!"

"don't you have multiple notebooks?" you blinked at him.

"of course i do! but those are for different purposes! gah, you just don't understand. i need to find this one, it's imperative!"

you let out a groan before glancing around the office. nothing was away where it was meant to be. it was a strange amalgamation of mess and organization. desks and drawers all had their contents removed and placed in piles, sorted by various means. it must have taken ages to dismantle the whole room and lay everything out like this.

"... did you do that to the room?" you raised your eyebrows with some level of intrigue.

"yes. i did. and i still can't find it." kunikida spoke as he paced back and forth across the (little) open space left on the floor. before he snapped his attention back to you. "what are you just standing around for? help me look!"

"do i have to?" your shoulders slumped as you turned your focus back to kunikida.

the glare he shot you with was enough to answer that question. so with a sigh, you got to work.

it was tedious and beyond boring. the whole place was already sorted through, if he hadn't found it yet, you doubt he ever would.

"can we just give it up already? dazai probably just took it or something."

"no! because dazai wasn't even..."

taking notice of kunikida trailing off, you lifted your head from the books you were sorting through and in his direction. he was staring blankly into his open desk drawer.

"...are you serious." you deadpanned him.

"i don't- i was sure i'd- i can't believe it..."

"it was in your desk this whole time?? you know how much time we just wasted- this whole place is a  mess now! ....you so owe me for this."

author's note
after all these months, i actually feel kind of bad coming to you all with such a short wan chapter, but it's been five chapters since the last wan and i'd like to keep them sprinkled in that pattern! hopefully the next real chapter will be out soon. thank you so much for bearing with me!!

you only live twice - bsd x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن