yokohama gangster paradise (part one)

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"i- i- i'm really sorry!" jun'ichirō bowed his head against the table in front of you. "i know it was for a test but i was still really rude to you. i'm sort of an assistant here at the agency. my name is jun'ichirō tanizaki, can you ever forgive me?"

"it's fine, don't worry about it." atsushi waved it off.

"yeah we understand completely." you smiled, nodding in agreement.

"and this here is-" jun'ichirō began to continue before quickly being cut off.

"i'm his little sister, naomi!" she pulled her sibling to a loose hug as she spoke.

"oh that makes sense, you guys seem sweet." atsushi nodded in understanding, pausing when he saw kunikida approach the table.

"listen closely, kid. now that you've joined our ranks you should try and act accordingly; work to uphold the agency's good name. we're all committed to that goal. well at least some of us are...right dazai?" you follow kunikida's gaze, which lands on dazai, who appears to be caressing the waiter's palm.

"would you strangle me with these beautiful delicate fingers, young miss?" dazai spoke before immediately being struck in the back of the head by kunikida. it was almost amazing, how quickly he had crossed the diner. terrifying as well.

"were you listening to a single word i just said? my hands may not be as nice as hers but if you're looking for someone to break your neck i think that honor should go to ME!"

you glanced over at atsushi who looked nothing short of exasperated. you were starting to understand why atsushi was always so concerned around these people. it was one thing to witness this kind of behavior in a fictional anime but to see people actually acting like this out in public... it was certainly an experience.

"i was wondering." even as atsushi spoke, your eyes couldn't help but be drawn to the scene across the cafe from you, kunikida throttling dazai while a string of curses flew from his mouth. "what were the two of you doing before you joined the agency." the way both dazai and kunikida's gaze immediately snapped to atsushi made even you shrink back slightly. "gah! no big deal, was just curious, is all." atsushi quickly began to backpedal on his previous question.

"take a guess." dazai encouraged him to continue. "it's a game we've played it a lot here, actually. the newcomer tries to guess their colleagues' former occupations. think of it as part of training to be a private investigator."

"hm i wanna say jun'ichirō and naomi were... students?" atsushi spoke tentatively, being met with soft voices of approval from the two.

"woah, you got it. nice one." jun'ichirō praised.

"how did you figure that one out?" naomi questioned.

"i was told you work at the agency part time. and you're wearing a uniform so there was a good chance you were still in school. plus jun'ichirō and i seem to be similar in age. just made sense!"

"not half bad atsushi! what about mr. kunikida?" dazai prompted atsushi to continue. which was instantly met with kunikida spitting out the coffee he was drinking.

"nobody cares about what i used to be, alright?!" kunikida instantly snapped back, but that didn't seem to stop atsushi from scrunching his face in thought.

"an official... did he hold a government job?"

"almost~ he was a public school teacher and he taught mathematics to be exact."

"i can totally picture that actually..." atsushi said with a cautious smile, he seemed to be almost holding back laughter as he envisioned the scene in his head.

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