Prologue: Kaminari (Edited)

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{A/N: The first three chapters will just be characters finding out what their second gender is in their first year of middle school. Which means they'll be all be at least 13 years old.}

The sound of his alarm ringing for the third time finally got Denki to begrudgingly roll out of bed and head to the bathroom. He absolutely despised how it seemed like the snooze button could only last for five minutes.

After washing his face, he began combing his hair as soon as he saw his reflection. If there was one thing in the world he absolutely couldn't stand, it would be his atrocious bedhead.

After putting on his clothes, he strolled to the kitchen, still brushing back the few strands of hair dangling in front of his eyes.

His mom was already in there making an omelet for him, which was a surprise. His dad, who was already dressed in full uniform, was scarfing his meal down. He was an electrician.

His mom turned around, flashing a big smile, "Look who's finally up!"

Denki scratched the back of his head while letting out a yawn, giving his dad a wave as he sat down.

"Not everyone can be a morning person, you know."

"How about you try not playing Resident Evil till one in the morning?" She replied.

He actively chose not to respond to that comment.

His mom set his food in front of him, glancing at the clock at least twice.

"Try to eat a bit faster. You don't want to be late for your big day!"

As soon as she turned the other way, Denki just rolled his eyes and started eating. He wasn't directing that at his mom, just at what was going to be happening at school.

Today was indeed the day. A day unlike any other.

One that would completely change his life no matter what result he got.

Ever since birth, Denki had always been a "go with the flow" kind of guy. There was never a set-in-stone plan he had for the future, or for anything really.

Whenever a teacher asks kids "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Most kids answered "Rockstar!", "Firefighter!", or "Police officer!", but all Denki did was shrug and go back to playing with his toys.

He's always been the complete opposite of an overthinker. Or even a regular thinker.

His grandma on his mom's side always said, "That boy is never going to make it with that mindset of his."

And respectfully, he used to think that was complete bullshit.

When he was little, he made the harmless mistake of grabbing an electrical wire, like other kids have probably done. Except, this one in particular, happened to be inside of a generator his dad was trying to fix.

In his defense, he was only five, and could never keep his hands to himself whenever he was inside of a store, so he didn't know what his parents were thinking, letting that machine stay in the garage without closing the door.

In the aftermath of it all, he got a couple of burns on his right hand and a somewhat fried brain, but with plenty of physical therapy, he was able to get through it. Even if he couldn't walk straight for a couple weeks.

A few years and many appointments later, involving doctors and pediatricians analyzing his behaviors and mannerisms.

Such as his inability to sit still for more than ten seconds, the consistent doodling tic-tac-toe games on his papers, and moments where he would have the attention span of a goldfish.

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