Gravitating around my thoughts

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I can't believe it.

I got accepted into my dream school after being tutored by one of my idols. Yet, the only thing I can focus on... is her.

Earlier that day...

"Are you sure you don't want me to walk with you?"

"The traffic is insane, it'll be easier if I just get out now."

Toma decided to drive me to school today, since it was on the way to his job at a popular restaurant downtown.

And because he refused to let me walk there by myself.

"Make sure to call me if you need anything!"

"I will. See you later!"

After shutting the car door, I stood still for a moment, basking in the glory I felt. The same one I felt when I received my acceptance letter.

"I can't believe it, I'm actually here."

However, a menacing voice behind me shattered any happiness I was feeling.

"Get out of my fucking way, Deku."

Good morning to you too.

"Uh- Hey Kacchan. How's it going?"

He brushed past me without sparing a glance in my direction. He's still an asshole, but he hasn't been completely out to get me ever since he found out I had been accepted.

"I warned you not to apply!"

I haven't forgotten the fury in his eyes when he found out. He shoved me against the wall at school, demanding answers from me. Dominant alphas are known for their powerful intimidation. My knees almost gave out while he was yelling at me.

"I'm going to U.A, Kacchan. Like it or not, you can't stop me!"

I've never argued with him before. Not even once. If I had ever felt the urge, one glare from him would make my jaw clamp shut. I'm surprised he didn't pummel me on the spot.

I smacked both sides of my face. I can't keep worrying about Kacchan. The only thing I need to focus on is the school right in front of me. I started sorting through the books in my bag, just to make sure I had everything.

While walking to the entrance, I started giving myself a pep talk, saying how any dreams I've had will be achieved now. Life was good!

Until I got a face full of concrete after tripping over my own feet. Everything in my bag was scattered on the ground.

"That looked like a nasty fall. Are you ok?"

Hissing at the rising pain on my forehead, I glanced up and saw what looked to be... an angel.

"Let me help with those books!"


Words were jumbling out my mouth. A girl is actually talking to me! And she's cute!

"Oof, your head is bleeding. Hang on, I think I have some tissues."

She fished through her bag and eventually pulled one out. She placed it over the irritated spot on my forehead and started dabbing it. She was so gentle.

"I guess we're all having a nerve-wracking day. I checked my bag at least five times this morning!"

She helped me up and then gave me a small wave before she walked away.

"Be careful on your way in, bye!"


"Oh my god, I just talked to a girl!", I murmured to myself.

You drive me insane {Bnha Omegverse AU}Where stories live. Discover now