The rise of Makuu

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We see the group and the Lion Guard run across the Pride Lands, Ono flying ahead of them

Ono: It's coming from Ukuni Woods!

Kion: What do we got, Ono? Hyenas?

Maddie: Jackals?

Myles: Vultures?

Bunga rolls his eyes.

Bunga: Hyenas, jackals, vultures. Whatever it is, the Lion Guard can take it!

Ono: Hold on! Getting it in sight.

Ono's vision flickers, and he spots Pim the hyrax, who is holding a snake skin, trapped in a thorn bush. Ono rolls his eyes.

Ono: Really?

Ono lands on a thorn bush. The two groups pull to a stop beside him.

Kion: Ono, report!

Ono: Nothing thrilling. [Ono glances at Pim.] Just a hyrax stuck in a thorn bush.

Pim: *chitters*

Fuli: [irritated] Seriously?

Macie: That's not so bad.

Azazel: We rushed all the way across the Pride Lands for this?

Azazel gestures at Pim.

Kion: Azazel, the Lion Guard's duty is to defend the Circle of Life. [Kion rolls his eyes.] Even if it means helping a hyrax out of a thorn bush.

Kion smiles patiently. Bunga holds up his hands, then runs toward the thorn bush.

Bunga: All right. I got this one. [Bunga grabs Pim, who struggles to get away.] Come on, hyraxie. Let's get you outta there.

Pim: *squeals*

Pim wriggles out of Bunga's grip and cowers deep within the thorn bush. Bunga begins pulling out thorns so he can reach Pim.

Beshte: Uh, Little B, [Bunga pauses.] I think the hyrax's trying to avoid being shredded by thorns.

Bunga: Oh!

Mylesbounds over to stand in front of Kion and Fuli.

Myles: Kion, use the Roar! You can flatten those thorn bushes!

Myles  puts his hands on his hips.

Fuli: If Kion flattens the thorn bushes with the Roar... *scoffs* What do you think will happen to the hyrax?

Myles: Oh, [myles scratches his head.] I hadn't thought about that.

Kion: Listen. We don't need my Roar to clear the thorn bushes. We can just pull 'em aside.

Bunga: Oh, yeah! [Bunga lifts his hands in triumph.] Zuka zama!

Bunga dashes over to the thorn bush and draws the thorns aside to expose Pim, who cowers and hides under the snake skin.

Pim: *squeals*

Bunga Let's go, hyraxie! [Bunga jerks his head.] Move it!

Fuli: I got it.

Fuli runs toward Pim and grabs him in her teeth. Bunga jumps away from the thorns, which snap back into place. Fuli deposits Pim on the grass.

Pim: *squeals*

Pim flinches away from Fuli. Kion, Beshte, Bunga, and Ono approach.

Kion: Thanks, Fuli. Nice work, Bunga.
Pim begins aggressively rubbing himself with the snake skin.

Fuli : Whoa, weird. [Pim begins rolling around in the snake skin.] It must really like that snake skin.

Ono: No, no, no. It's using the scent from the snake skin to mask its own smell. That way, snakes won't detect him. Pretty clever!

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