Part 1

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6 months earlier
"Mom! Dad I'm home" Rin Fukuhara calls out to her parents as she enters their spacious 7 bedroom home situated just outside of the city. When she recieved no response to her call Rin felt a little uneasy...that was until she saw 4 full black suitcases placed in the living area
"Mom! Dad!" Rin yells again but this time a little louder
"Coming honey!" Her mother finally calls back putting Rin's mind at ease. A few moments later both of her parents come bounding into the living area dressed all in black and looking a little flustered clutching their passports and another two bags which Rin could tell was jammed full due to the stress on the stitches
"You guys going somewhere?" Rin question looking at them both a little confused
"Oh see we've been called away for an expedition!" Her mother smiles with a sickly sweet smile
"Expedition?" Rin asks
"Yes they believe they may have now a new type of alge in the Atlantic ocean!" Her father says putting his large hand on her mother's shoulder
"Oh that exiting" Rin fakes a smile as she knows what this means
"How long is this one?" She mumbles
"We don't know yet sweetheart but we need to right now!" Her mother smiles walking over and kissing Rin on the head
"Okay well be safe both of you please" Rin giggles
"We will...we will see you soon champ!" Her dad smiles. Rin watches from the door as they load their bags into a big black SUV and take off into the night.
Once they were firmly out of sight she shuts the door and making sure everything is locked up before heading to the kitchen to make herself dinner.

Present day
"And that concludes our lecture for today" Rin's university professor says clicking the remote and allowing the large screen behind him to go black.
"Have a good weekend everyone and e safe" he then comments as the students stand up and pack up their books and laptops
"Hey RinRin! We're all going out tonight you should come with us!" Rin's friend Mayumi squeals happily gripping to her boyfriend Kenji's arm.
"I can't May I have to get home for time though" Rin smiles throwing her bag over her shoulder
"Uhhhhh you never have any fun!" Haru grumbles running his hand through his short purple hair
"Nah leave her alone it's not her fault she's vanilla" Kimmy giggles. Rolling her eyes Rin choses to ignore the comment of her friend...well calling Kimmy a friend isn't really true...she was more like an acquaintance who likes to make comments on Rin's life
"Tell you text me where you guys are in two hours and I will come and meet you. I just need to spend a little time with the pup" Rin smiles redoing her ponytail
"Sounds like a plan RinRin!" Mayumi smiles
"Alright see you in a bit" Rin says heading to the classroom door. Choosing to once again ignore the snide comments from Kimmy.

"Nori! I'm home baby!" Rin calls out and the sound of scampering sound of little puppy claws can be heared as Nori the 5 month old black German shepherd puppy comes bounding towards the young woman. Rin had been on at her parents to get a dog for when they went away just to make her feel a little safer and more guarded but of course just like everything else they pushed it to one side and didn't take her request very seriously. So Rin finally deciding that she had indeed had enough went to her local animal shelter in hopes of finding a fuzzy companion to keep her company...while there she fell head over heels in love with Nori who had been brought in with a few of his siblings. However one by one they were all adopted until only Nori was left.
"Yeah he's been here for over a month...for some reason no one wants to take him" was what the shelter worker had said to her that day and that was it...she didn't need to look at any other dogs...she was having the small black puppy.
"Haha hi baby boy! You been a good boy!?" Rin squeals sitting cross legged on the floor while the small pup bounces around her licking and nipping at her playfully
"Where's your sushi!?" Rin giggles and the pup runs away for a few seconds only to return with a well loved sushi plushie toy that he had chosen himself when Rin had taken him to the pet store to get him all the stuff he needed which included a big fluffy dog bed which of course...he never uses because mom's bed will always be more comfortable.
"Awww good boy" Rin says in a baby voice making the puppy even more excited "you hungry baby?" She asks hopping up and heading into the kitchen with Nori following close behind at her heels
"Okay so do you want chicken or beef tonight?" She asks looking down at the small pup who tilts his head "bark once for chicken or bark twice for beef okay?" She asks and the puppy tilts his head the other way
"Chicken" she says holding the dog food can out and the puppy does nothing
"Beef?" She questions and as he was told Nori let's out too loud barks
"Ooo he's such a good boy!" Rin giggles once again speaking to him in a baby voice.
After an hour the small pup whines at the back door signalling that he wanted to go outside to use the bathroom and have a little run around
*ring ring*
Mayumi is calling....
"Uhhhhh for the love of god" Rin groans sliding the answer icon up and putting her phone to her ear
"Hello" she says trying to hide her disappointment that Mayumi had indeed called her!
"RinRin! We're heading to ocean park pub...they have an outside area and they allow dogs so bring the pup!" Mayumi yells down the phone clearly already a little intoxicated
"I dunno May he's only 5 months..." Rin mumbles not too happy about the idea of taking Nori to a place where alcohol and drunk people would be involved
"Please...." Mayumi whines
"I'll come but I'm not brining Nori" Rin says firmly and Mayumi let's out a large sigh before agreeing
"Now hurry up! Haru's getting lonley" Mayumi giggles before hanging up. Rolling her eyes Rin locks her phone and smacks herself in the head over and over again
Mayumi had been pushing for her and Haru to go out on dates but Rin just wasn't interested in him that way...she wasn't too sure how he felt and she didn't feel it was necessary to ask.
"Nori come on munchkin! Mommy's gotta go and hang out with some heathens!" Rin calls to the pup who was living his best left trying to catch the fire flies which had decided to make the Fukuhara back garden their home.

Rin never enjoyed the whole going out on the town her it was a load of fuss for absolutely nothing, a hangover and a potential walk of shame the next day? Where is the fun in that? But here she was getting ready to go our for only an hour just keep her friend circle happy...
Wiggling into a pair of jeans, a nice top, her knee high black heeled boots and just topping up her mascara and eyeshadow she decided that she was ready to go. After giving her hair a quick fluff up she grabs an over the shoulder bag and her leather jacket before heading downstairs and bidding goodbye to her now exhausted puppy who was splayed out on the living room rug with his face resting on his sushi plushie.
"Nori mommy's gonna be back in an hour okay? Sushi you're in charge!" Rin giggles as she heads out of the door and locking it behind her. The cold air nipped at her as she quickly shoves her jacket on.
This was going to be a long night....

Okay so some side notes and picture references for your pleasure

Okay so some side notes and picture references for your pleasure

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(Rin outfit and body type)

(Rin hairstyle and colour)

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(Rin hairstyle and colour)

(Rin hairstyle and colour)

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(Nori 😍😍😍😍)

(And finally the star of this whole book

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(And finally the star of this whole book....Sushi the plushie)

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