part 7

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I don't know what time I joined the living again but I know it was late. Mid morning to early afternoon would be my best guest! Of course Nori was still knocked out but that's the joys of being a puppy I suppose! Hopping out of bed I open my case digging through and throwing on my comfy wide legged lounge set with matching crop top and a long cardigan. I decide to brush my hair up into a high ponytail and I dig around fishing out my glasses, before i leave my room i look at myself in the mirror and begin to wonder if i should put on make up... I didn't want Kirishima to see me like this...
"What am i thinking!?" I hiss to myself slapping myself in the head and making my way down the stairs... why was I concerned on making myself look pretty for that murderous physco! Looking for the 4 men I have been forced to live with. Nori comes bounding down the stairs and into the living room so i head there first and of course there they all are...sat watching TV as if they're a normal fucking family
"Hey buddy!" Kiri says excitedly
"Hey Rin" Sero smiles at me and i nod my head making my way over to the abandoned side of the sofa
"You feeling any better today?" Kiri asks with a big smile
"I guess...still feel a little weird..." i mumble. I still don't know fully why they want a random document my parents may or may not have!
Suddenly Kaminari's phone starts to ring and he excitedly answers it and runs out of the room
"Hey babe!" He says excitedly and I look at him as he exists
"That'll be his fiancé" Kirishima smiles looking back at the TV and for some reason I found this a little weird...this is going to sound bad but I didn't really picture Yakuza members to be able to do normal things like getting married and have kids...
"Is he coming over today?" Sero asks and I cock my one eyebrow thinking i may have heard him wrong
"Um...i don't remember i don't remember Kaminari mentioning anything but my memory is shocking!" Kirishima laughs. Few moments later Kaminari comes running back in and jumps on the sofa
"Sorry that was Hitoshi" he says...something about that name seemed familiar go me... but I brushed it off due to the fact I have an older cousin named Hitoshi
"Yeah that must be it...a coincidence" I think to myself
"Is he coming over today?" Sero asks
"Yeah he that okay?" He asks looking at Kirishima who nods his head
"He's your fiancé Kaminari" Kirishima chuckles
"Uhhhhh fuck am I going to need ear plugs again?" Bakugo laughs
" know what he's like" Kaminari blushes while laughing
"Great...just a load of banging and grunting... just what I fucking need!" Bakugo groans
"You're just jealous because you don't get any" Kaminari argues back
"Guys there's a lady present" Sero says
"Oh crap sorry Rin!" Kaminari says awkwardly laughing
"Whatever" Bakugo mutters.
"Nah don't mind me..." I say looking at the TV not really knowing what they're watching some kind of car show...
"So um...Kaminari..." I say catching his attention
"Yeah what's up?" He asks me once again giving me a big smile
"When's your wedding?" I ask a little intrigued... if I was going to live here I may as well may an effort I suppose
"Um in 6 months" kiri says
"Oh christ that came around fast!" Kirishima says
"I know tell me about it!" Kaminari whines
" are you getting married?" Sero asks
"Um...haven't have figured that out yet" Kaminari says and I look at him
"You haven't sorted out your venue yet?" I ask and he shakes his head
"What about the after party?" Shakes his head
"Wedding invitations?" Shakes his head
"Caterer?" Shakes his head
"Colour scheme, suits, wedding flowers, wedding decorations..." I list off and to every single one he shakes his head
" nothing then" I say
"Um...well we have 6 months that should be enough time right?" Kaminari asks and I shake my head while sighing.
"Um well most venues normally require 2 years in advance..." I say
"You're kidding!" Sero exclaims
"Nope on average it's about 2 years" I say again
"Well shit... " Kaminari says
"You're fucked" Bakugo chuckles earning a glare from the yellow haired boy.
"Of course you could always see if the place you want to hold your after party is able to house ceremonies... then what you could do is see if you could get someone who is ordained to marry you there" I say still looking at the TV
"You what now?" Kaminari asks and I giggle looking at him and his little clueless face.
"You are clueless" I say with a small smile
"How do you know so much about this?" Sero asks me
"Some little girls dreams of their big day..." I say with a sigh remembering all the times I would play weddings and think about what my future husband would be like...
"Hey since you know so much about it maybe you can plan mine!" Kaminari says happily as I'd it's a great idea! I look at him with wide eyes
"Oh yeah try and explain that to your in-laws... oh yes our wedding planner saw me blow some guys brains out, we saved her and kidnapped her at the same time..." I say rolling my eyes
"W...we aren't exactly keeping you prisoner" Bakugo grunts.
"The legal definition of a hostage means You are being taken or held by another person by force or against your will... I wouldn't have willingly come here..." I say making Kirishima laugh. He has a nice laugh...also....
How have I only just noticed the sharp fucking teeth!?
"I feel like that legal brain of yours will come in handy down the road" he smirks at me
"Forget it..." I mutter "I can't defend someone if I know for a fact their guilty" I say and he still smirks at me
"Oh shit!" I hiss suddenly remembering I have classes tommorow
"What?" Sero asks
"I have uni tommorow...and my car is broken...and my house..." I sigh
"Already taken care of" Kirishima says
"Excuse me?" I say confused
"You're tutor is aware that you're house was broken into to over the weekend... due to your parents being out of town you've gone to stay at a relative's house which isn't a reasonable distance to your university so he agreed to send his lecturer to your student email" Kirishima continues and my mouth drops open
"So basically I'm not leaving the house..." I say only confirming the I'm a prisoner here
"Given what happened yesterday do you think it's a good idea for you to go?" He asks and as much as  I didn't want to...he had apoint. They weren't against trying to abduct me in a crowded neighbourhood... what wa stopping them from coming to my uni...
"You know I'm right right?" He asks looking at me with the sexiest smirk I have ever seen someone give
"Whatever...." I mutter
"So was that a yes to being my wedding planner?" Kaminari asks me giving me puppy dog eyes
"Why don't you just hire one?" I ask confused
" job is kinda you know... and well not everyone would be okay with the whole gay thing" he says nervously
"Please help us we have no idea" Kaminari begs getting on the floor infront of me and I roll my eyes at him
"Uhhhhh fine...what's the worse that could happen" I sigh
"Awesome! wait until Hitoshi gets here you're going to love him!" Kaminari says excitedly getting up and hugging me tightly
"Is he a Yakuza member to?" I ask while shaking out of Kaminari's grip and he laughs while shaking his head
"Haha no he's not...he's actually a doctor funnily enough" Kaminari smiles at me. 
"How on earth did you two meet?" I ask a little confused as to how a Yakuza member and a doctor end up together!
"Oh we met in high school..." he smiles again...but this smile was different... it was a genuine loving smile... like all he could think about was his fiance
"Aw that's kind of sweet" I smile back at him
"Haha yeah... he was top of all our classes... stupidly smart guy! I however...not so smart... so the teacher paired him up with me to be my touter... one thing lead to another and here we are" he grins
"Ahhhh I see...sounds very romantic" i smile
"Bet you still failed your class" Bakugo teases and Kaminari's face goes bright red
"Shut up!" He hisses at his ash blonde haired companion making the rest of us laugh.
"Oh what about you Rin?" Sero asks suddenly catching me off guard
"!?" I ask almost choking on my tongue!
"Well...we never really considered if you had a significant other who might be worried if they don't here for you..." he continues and I think I might have imagined it but I think I notice a change in Kirishima's behaviour but I could be wrong...
"Haha oh nah I don't have's just little old I'm too focused on my studies to really put the time and effort into what a relationship would need" I say shyly playing with the ends of my hair. Christ it was getting long and needed a cut! Looking over, I see Kirishima's expression relax...wait was he jealous at the thought of me being with someone!? "Plus I'm really high maintenance and a pain in the ass so not many guys can deal with me" I smirk making them all grin at me.

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