part 9

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Bakugo wasn't kidding about needing headphones! What the hell is wrong with my big cousin!?
Rolling over I see Nori is sparked out completely and not bothered to the grunts and banging coming from Kaminari's room down the hall.
"I can't believe I'm hearing my cousin have sex!" I groan running my hands down my face and hopping up and rummaging around for my glasses. Normally I wear contacts but due to the fact it was almost fricking 11 at night I wasn't wearing them!
"Would Kirishima be mad if I went exploring?" I say to myself lingering by my door a few seconds before ultimately thinking fuck it and I leave my room hoping to get away from the
"Oh fuck yeah"
"There there"
"Shit shit don't stop"
I begin searching for a part of this huge home where I couldn't hear my cousin going to town on his fiance!
The whole house is so beautiful! I've always seen big houses like these in tv shows and obviously part of me wished I would have come to live in one without the other shit that's happened...
A big wooden door which somehow I have never noticed before catches my attention and my curiosity got the better of me and I place a hand on the golden door knob before stopping
"Wait what if this is some kind of torture area..." I think to myself and I remove my hand from the door... anything could be in there...
Bodies, weapons... literally anything could be behind those high wooden doors
"Do I really want to risk finding something they may kill me over?" I think to myself before swallowing thickly and placing my hand back on the knob turning it slowly hoping it didn't make too much noise or alert anyone to my whereabouts...
Slowly...very very slowly I push the door open to be met by a pitch black room. Reaching out I begin to feel around for a light switch which I eventually find... halfway acorss the sodding wall!
Flicking it quickly and squeezing eyes shut I didn't want to look straight away incase I was met by some poor soul attached to a table all bloodied and bruised
"Whooooo okay Rin come on!" I say to myself forcing eye open but I wasn't met by a tortured person instead I was met by a grand library! Like the one I saw in beauty and the beast when I was little!
"Oh my god!" I sqeuak walking further into the room looking at the walls filled with beautiful brightly coloured book spines "this place is amazing!" I say to myself while walking over to a random part to observe the books... there was every book you could want! From murder fiction to autobiographies, travel was incredible!
"You enjoying yourself?" A sudden deep voice says from the door making me jump and squeak in fear
"Jesus!" I say clutching my heart feeling a little revealed to see if was only Kirishima...
"Wait only Kirishima!? what are you fucking thinking!?" I growl to myself mentally... but then my mind went to what he was wearing... tailored sweatpants and a short sleeved t shirt which hugged his upper biceps which were very much on show due to him crossing his arms across his chest as he leans on the door way... why is he so fucking hot!? Why do I find him so hot!?
Due to the thin-ness of the fabric I can make out the very faint outline of two red dragons. The heads start on either side of his neck and carry on down...
How far down I don't know but part of me was interested in finding out....
Bad Rin!

"Sorry didn't mean to scare ya..." he smirks walking into the library
"After everything I've been through you would think it would take more to make me jump" I mumble and he gives me a sympathetic look
"Couldn't sleep?" He says suddenly changing the subject
"Well with the dumbass twins going at it like fucking no I can't" I say making him burst out in laughter
"Yeah...Bakugo wasn't joking when he said about the ear buds..." Kirishima smirks walking a little closer to me "so...what do you think?" he asks jestering to the magical array of books around us
"This place is amazing! I didn't realise that Yakuza would have a disney looking library in their house" I say crossing my arms around myself and looking up at him... just how fucking all was the guy!? Like seriously he was easily over 6ft tall..
"What where you expecting?" He asks cocking one eyebrow at me
"I don't know... murder room?" I say without thinking making him laugh
"Sorry to disappoint but that's at my other house" he smirks and I can't tell if he's messing around or not he must have seen my face because he rolls his eyes while smiling at me "I'm joking Rin...I don't have a murder room at my other house" he laughs
"Wait you have more than one house!?' I ask suprised
"Yeah..." he says as if it's normal!
" are rich..." I say once again without thinking
"Haha I mean I make enough to live comfortably if that's what you mean..." he says
"And apparently enough to cover my cousins whole wedding" I say and he moves his head from side go side
"So um...what's your other house like?" I ask...I was genuinely curious
"You want to see it?" He offers and i raise my one eyebrow at him
"You want me to let you take me to an undisclosed location, on our own... at 11 o'clock at night?" I ask
"Still don't trust me?" He asks trying to mask the hint is disappointment that was in his voice...why was this pulling on my heart strings?
"Well I mean...I wouldn't say I don't trust you...I mean I don't really know you..." I mumble fiddling with my glasses before taking a deep breath
"You know what fuck it why not..." I say and I think I must have suprised him
"Wait really?" He asks and I nod my head
"Sure why trying to find a part of the house where I can't hear Hitoshi railing Kaminari..." I say with a shudder making him laugh.
"Alright let me grab my want to get changed it's cold out" he says looking down at the leggins and vest top that I was wearing... i was suddenly very much aware that my chubby little frame was very much on show for him and I felt a little self conscious being around someone who looks like they were sculpted by the gods...
"Oh no...I don't really feel the cold thanks to being chubby" I say nervously and I looks at me a little annoyed
"W...what?" I ask but he shakes his head
"Nothing come on princess let's go" he says heading to find his keys leaving me in the library for a few moments on my own... why was his nickname of princess starting to grow on me!?

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