part 6

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Pulling up into my drive way was odd to say the least... my house was a mess! Put my heart sank when I see that they had completely destroyed my little mini
"My car!" I say sadly hoping out of the car and heading over to my totaled one
"Rin wait we haven't even checked if it's safe yet fuckwitt!" Bakugo hisses at me but I'm trying really hard to not cry
" okay?" I hear Kirishima ask me softly getting out of the car with the boys and Nori following
"My grandfather bought me this car just before he passed look at it" I say my lip trembling I always took pride in my car...
"Oh man that sucks...Sorry Rin" Sero says but I just sigh and make my way inside my house dreading what I will find. Pushing my front door in which had been kicked in I step inside my childhood home which looks like a hurricane has hit it.
"Jesus christ they did a number on this place" Kaminari says stepping in earning what I could tell from the sound was a rather hard slap
"Ah what the fuck!?" Kaminari growls
"Dude this is her home...try and think before you speak!" I hear Sero hiss
"Right you three split up and try to find it...Rin go up to your room and pack whatever you need for the foreseeable okay?" Kirishima says to me but I don't respond, I feel whole world and home was in ruins around me...
A rough hand being placed on my shoulder makes me flinch
"Hey....look I understand this is hard and extremely difficult for you. But we can't stay here long it's dangerous. Please go and pack" Kirishima says softly catching me off guard but for some reason I felt a need to comply with what he asked. Nodding my head I head up the staris to my room which was trashed
"Oh shit" I say sadly rummaging around in my wardrobe and pulling out my coffin shaped suitcase which I had bought a few years ago. I start to put all my clothes in, then my underwear, p.j's, books, tooth brush and toiletries from my bathroom.
"God damnit the safe is empty!" I hear Kirishima shout and I make my way into my father's office pulling my case behind me. I was surprised to see a safe hidden away behind all the book
"What the hell?" I ask confused casuing all 4 men to look at me
"Rin I need you to be honest with me now...did you know this was here?" Kirishima says to me in a stern tone making me wince
"What!? No of course not!" I argue back
"Are you positive!" Bakugo says his voice also harsh again like I've done something wrong!
"Yes I'm fucking positive! I've never seen that thing before! My father and mother are marine biologists why the hell would they need a secret safe!" I yell back at him my eyes becoming cloudy
"hey don't shout at me" he yells back "just making sure you're not hiding anything from us!" Kirishima cuts in, his voice still holding that stern tone like a parent uses to get a child to admit to something.
"Oh I'm fucking sorry... did you witness a murder? Almost get murdered yourself? Kidnapped by a psychopath Yakuza leader and his lackies!? Are you learning you're parents may have lied to you you're whole life!? No? I think fucking not!" I yell back at him tears running down my face
"You know what fuck this!" I huff grabbing my case and walking away from them "Nori come on!" I yell for my pup who follows without any protest
"Rin!" I hear Kirishima call after me but I'm so angry right now...who the hell does he think he is!?
"Fuck off!" I yell as I continue to walk out of my house making sure to grab the bag I had put together for Nori and I make my way down the drive way...
Damn I wish my car was working...
"Rin wait!" I hear Sero call after me but I chose to ignore him and keep walking down the sidewalk of my neighbourhood.
I was expecting Kirishima or one of his men to grab me and force me back into the car when suddenly a van that I don't recognise pulls up next to me
"Excuse miss we appear to be lost" a man with short purplish brown is hair says to me
"Oh where are you looking for I may be able to help" I say kindly
"Oh you see I think you can" he says with a tone that makes me feel nervous
"W...where are you heading?" I ask taking a step back
"I can't really pronounce the street...can you come a little closer so I can show you?' He says holding out his phone
" I'm okay thank you" I say but this angers him
"You know what fuck this grab her!" He yells and the door of the van slides open revealing a bunch of masked people in the back
"Fuck" I say loudly about to turn around but I'm forced into the back of the van kicking and screaming
"Let me go let me go!" I scream out but this just makes them grab me harder
"Ah fuck she bit me!" One of them yells and he slaps me across to the face a big ring on his one finger making contact with my lip splitting it in the corner. Just as the door is shut and the van is about to pull off the sound of tyres popping making everyone jump and I squeak in fear but while they're distracted I use this opportunity to open the door and jump out of the van which was still moving with Nori running behind it
"Nori come on baby!" I say running towards him and back to where I can see my stuff abandoned on the side walk
"Get back here!" I hear someone scream from behind me reaching out to grab me but a gun shot to his arm makes him recoil in pain and clutching his arm. I run until I bump int someone part of me relieved that it was Kirishima.

I don't know what came over me but I hid my face in him while sobbing
"Hey it's okay I got you" he says softly
"Come on get your stuff" he says grabbing my stuff and we start to run back to my house where we hop in the car and Sero takes off at full speed.
Getting back to the mansion I don't bother saying anything to anyone. I just get out of the car, grabbing both mine and Nori's bags and heading up to the room I was placed in. He may of saved my life twice now but he's also the reason i ran off in the first place! Nori jumps onto my bed and let's out a big yawn before ultimately falling asleep making me giggle.
Collapsing onto my bed I open my case pulling out my law through the years book volume 1...hoping that reading will stop me from crying... but of course it doesn't... my lip was throbbing!

About an hour passes before I hear a knock on my door
"Go away" I call
"Rin let me in please" Kirishima says softly
"I said go away!" I say harshly but instead of listening he opens the door and walks in "are you deaf?" I ask with a huff not bothering to look up from my book but this just makes him chuckle. Nori is still sparked out...
"some fucking guard dog" I think to myself playfully aside admire his sleeping form.
Once again not bothering to look at him I keep my eyes glued to my book but then I feel my bed dip
"Can I look at your lip please?" He says and I shake my head
"Why don't believe fuck all I say so why should I do what you say?" I say harshly
"Okay fair point..." he sighs "look Rin I'm sorry I yelled at you okay? Your parents have a very important document that we really need...but of course it's now missing and we need to figure out if you're parents took it or if Chisaki has it" he sighs
"I told you I don't know...if I knew I would tell you because I just want this to be over!" I say my eyes beginning to water
"I'm sorry okay? I know this is hard for you...I believe you okay?" He says and I finally look at him...his features are soft and I think he means it "now can I please look at your lip?" He asks and I nod my I shuffling closer to him. He gently takes my chin in between this thumb and finger
"Oooo yeah that's definitely a bad one...don't think you need stitches but I'll still clean it up for you" he says taking out some antiseptic wipes
"Now this is gonna sting okay?" He asks and I nod my head allowing him to gently stroke my lip with the wipe
"Do you really believe me?" I ask
"Yes I believe you..." he says softly focusing on my lips
"You promise?" I ask and he chuckles nodding his head
"I promise" he says
"I'm sorry I ran off..." I say sadly... i don't know why i apologised for running away but i feel like I need to...
Is this what Stockholm syndrome is like!?
"I'm not mad at you for running off Rin" he says looking me in the eye "but it is hard to keep you safe when you run off on your from now no if we go out don't leave my side okay?" He smiles and I feel my cheeks heat up a little
"" I stutter out looking into his eyes... he really does have beautiful eyes...well he just in general is beautiful....
"Law through the years volume 1?" He says looking down at the book on my lap and bringing me out of my day dream.
"Haha yeah...there are like another 5 volumes I still need to get but I need to save for them" i smile "although i don't know if i would make a good lawyer...i mean look at what I've witnessed and i didn't go to the police" i sigh making him chuckle
"You made a good decision Rin... I'm sure you'll be fine" he smiles at me
"Right well I'm going to leave you because you've had an eventual day...again... if you need anything my room is the one down the end of the hall. Kaminari is on the left, Bakugo's is on the right and Sero's is the second one on the right" he says getting up and leaving before I have a chance to say anything.

Yakuza Leader's Girl Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant