part 8

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The sudden pounding on the door caught all of our attention
"Oh that's Hitoshi!" Kaminari says excitedly jumping up and running to the door
"He's like a love sick puppy!" Bakugo grunts and I couldn't hep but smile at how excited he was to see his fiance... something about his fiance's name sounding a little familiar...
"Leave him's sweet" Kirishima smiles... he's a nice guy.... well about as nice as a Yakuza boss can be...
"Hey babe!" Kaminari says excitedly showing the door open
"Will you calm the fuck down!" A blunt voice says as the man behind the door is almost floored by Kaminari
"You okay Rin?" Sero asks as I hadn't realised I had been making a face... this guy just sounded really familiar...
"Yeah it's just..." I start but with the 3 men looking at me I chose to change my mind and shake my head "never mind" I decide to say and they decide to leave it.
"Kaminari put him down and let him in!" Kirishima calls with a smile
"Oh babe there's someone awesome you need to meet!" The excited yellow head says grabbing the guys hand and dragging him into view finally and that's when my eyes go wide
"Rin!?" We both say at the same time. Our eyes wide
"Oh do you two know one another?" Kaminari asks a little confused looking back between the two of us. But I couldn't stop myself from running to the familiar looking man and throwing myself at him which he was only to happy to return with Nori running around his feet
"Haha hey Nori..." he says removing one hand from me to fuss my pup
"Oh my god!" I squeal happily hugging him close
"Why didn't you tell me you were getting married you asshole!" I say pulling away and looking up at him
"I told mom to mention it but you know what you're parents are like!" Hitoshi says pulling me back in to a hug
"Wait...what are you doing here?" He asks suddenly pushing me away to look at me
"Prisoner" I say plainly and he glares at Kaminari who looks confused ans scared at Hitoshi's gaze.
"She's not a prisoner..." he says
"Saw him kill someone, ran away, got attacked by another gang, they saved me, went back to my house, found out mom and dad have been lying to me, got kidnapped and almost killed again and now here we are" I say with a sigh
" never thought to mention that your boyfriend is a Yakuza member!" I say hitting him in the shoulder multiple times
"Ow ow ow! Not really something you bring up squirt" he laughs ruffling my hair when I finished my playful attack on him.
"Wait...squirt?" Kaminari says looking at me with wide eyes
"Yes as in squirt my baby cousin..." Hitoshi says glaring at his fiance again
"" Kaminari says nervously rubbing the back of his head.
He looked likebhe wanted the floor to swallow him.
"And I ooop" Sero calls
"Ha!" Bakugo says
"Not the time dudes!" Kaminari yells at him
"Never would have guessed this was the Kami you kept talking about!" I giggle. My cousin had mentioned his boyfriend a few times I had snuck out to meet up with him... my parents were assholes about the whole him being gay thing so they told me to stay away from him
"Well....I knew you pair would have to meet eventually...just didn't really think it would be him abducting you!" Hitoshi sighs once again glaring at Kaminari
"What the fuck were you thinking!?" He growls at his husband to be while hugging me again protectively. I would often get a little arsey with him for not letting me meet this man he was in love with but I understand now...
"I...I um... well I um... my bad?" He says nervously
"My bad... you subject my baby cousin to hell and all you have to say is my bad?" Hitoshi says unimpressed
"I didn't realise who she was! You never call her Rin or anything all I knew her as was squirt" Kaminari argues nervously
"We will talk about this later" Hitoshi says sternly
"Don't be too tough on him Tosh...they did keep me alive twice" I say pulling away and looking up at him... I felt bad for him having ago at someone I saw kill someone... what the fuck was going on with my brain!?
"Well that was a unexpected..." I hear Kirishima say
"Oh also you suck at planning a wedding!" I laugh as we walk into the living room. This time me sitting closer to them
"Haven't really had the time squirt" Hitoshi says rolling his eyes
"You have done nothing!" I say making all 5 men laugh at me
"Well I mean we picked a date..." Kaminari says with a smile but his smile quickly fades when my cousin glares at him....
Fuck he's mad.... so I decide to get the talk back onto the wedding planning... or lack there of....
"A have no venue, no after party venue, no catering, no cake, suites, rings, decorations...nothing have done nothing!" I say with a sigh
"Rin's agreed to be our wedding planner babe!" Kaminari says excitedly
"Of course she did" Hitoshi laughs
"And just what is that supposed to mean?" I ask cocking my one eyebrow at my older cousin
"You've had your wedding planned since you were 14" he says and I feel my face heat up
"Shut up I do not!" I hiss really embarrassed now
"Well that's adorable" Kirishima smirks
"Shut it boss man" I hiss at him making him laugh at me
"She's brave speaking to him like that" Hitoshi laughs
"Yep she'sa feisty one!" Kirishima smiles looking at me and I just roll my eyes
"Anyway...I'm not the one getting married in six month with nothing I need a rough idea of what you guys want..." I say
"Like what?" Kaminari asks confused
"Well how about we start with I knew how much I have to work with... most of that will go on venues and catering so...what are we working with?" I ask
"Um well...." Kaminari says looking at Hitoshi who is about to speak
"There is no budget" Kirishima cuts in and we all look at him
"Hu?" I says raising my eyebrows
"No budget...whatever they want I'll cover it okay?" He says smiling
"What no sir we can't let you do that..." Kaminari argues
"Yeah Kiri that's sweet and all but...." Hitoshi says... Kiri? This isn't the first time I've heared someone call him that.
"No I'm serious... Kaminari's worked for me for years... plus in a werid kind of way we're like a family here so I'll cover it okay?" Kirishima says smiling at the two men who had their mouths hanging open
"That's incredible! Thank you so much sir!" Kaminari says excitedly
"Yeah we really appreciate it!" Hitoshi says smiling and I had a sudden fluttering feeling in my chest... he had just offered to pay for my cousins whole wedding no matter the cost... because he considers Kaminari family? He was different to how I would imagine a Yakuza boss being...
I mean I was expecting an old mean man...not a handsome young man with a soft side.
"O...okay so now I know what I'm working with..." I say clearing my throat trying to calm myself down... what was going on with me!?
"What colours are we thinking?" I ask
"Colours?" Kaminari asks confused
" know colour scheme... like what colours you want the decorations to be, what you want people to wear...all that fun stuff..." I say groaning "how are you pair not in the know about this!?" I say
"Becase not all of us are fricking weirdos and have a wedding planned from the age for 14 Squirt..." Hitoshi smirks
"Shut the fuck up!" I hiss at him
"Do you still like watching all those wedding shows?" he asks... he is trying to embarrass me now
"Wedding shows?" Sero asks
"Yeah... when she was younger she use to make me watch all these shows like say yes to the dress, don't tell the bride..." he starts but I dive on him and cover his mouth
"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I hiss at him and suddenly Nori starts licking his face excitedly
"Pfffft Nori stop it!" He laughing pushing me off
"He's saying stop being mean to mom uncle Toshi!" I laugh "anyway come on give me something to work with... colours go!" I say firmly
"I like Black?" Kaminari says
"Purple" Katsuki says trying to push Nori off him "christ he's getting big!" He laughs eventually succeeding.
" about... main colours Black and purple but we can add hints of white or something just to add an accent colour..." I say and they both look at me like I'm crazy...
In fact all of them do...
This is going to be harder than I thought...
"Fucking give me strength" I groan.

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