part 3

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By the time I reach my home my lungs feel like they're on fire from my running. Stuffing my hand into my back pocket I pull out my keys and quickly duck into my house...what ever adrenaline rush I was on wore off the moment I shut and locked that door  because my legs turned into jelly and I collapsed onto the floor sobbing. I had just witnessed a murder! I just saw two men blow another man's brain over the wall like some kind of sick banksy panting!
What do I do!? Do I call the police!? I mean i didn't really get a good look at their faces...all I could really see was one had red hair and the other had indigo hair... not really much for the police to go off.
The sound of Nori running towards me made me jump out of my fucking skin as the small ball of energy tackles me so I'm now laying fat on my back and he licks up tears away.
"H..h...hi boy" I stutter out holding him close. Eventually I calm down enough to push Nori off me and push myself up to slip my jacket off and that's when my stomach drops....where was my bag?
"Shit shit shit I must have dropped it in the alley!" I say gripping handfuls of my hair  and starting to cry again. It had my purse in there which had my debit card, driver's license and my student ID in there...
"Great now they know where I live and where I go to uni..." I panic but then I secone guess keys are in my back pocket... if I had taken my bag wouldn't I have put them in there? Also I didn't get any money out all because Kenji and Mayumi bought my drinks...
Calming down a little I talk myself into that I've just left my purse hanging around the house somewhere and I would try and find it tommorow.
Nori cocks his head at me and I let out a small sigh
"Sorry handsome man...mommy's a little flustered" I giggle nervously...they may not know where I live but I didn't witness a murder so I go around every window and door in my house triple checking everything is locked and all the curtains are drawn before heading to the kitchen, making myself some instant noodles and heading to my room with Nori in tow with Sushi in his mouth. For my own peice of mind I had decided to being a kitchen knife with me to put on my bedside cabinet.
Within seconds of my opening my door Nori is on my bed snuggled into his spot waiting for me to get into bed.

Changing into sweatpants and a cropped vest top I take my seat next to my pup and turn on my Netflix "Right Nori what we watching tonight

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Changing into sweatpants and a cropped vest top I take my seat next to my pup and turn on my Netflix
"Right Nori what we watching tonight...." I say turning to my pup as if he's going to answer
"How about....Rocky horror?" I say to him and he lets out a big huff
"Ah no I let you pick the movie last night it's my turn..." I say but I know what he wants to watch.
"Uhhhh fine you want to watch up?" I ask and his ears prick up at the mention of his favourite movie
"You wanna watch up handsome man?" I ask taking a bite of my noodles. His fluffy tails wages a million miles an hour making me giggle as I put on the disney movie up, settling down to eat my dinner with Nori and Sushi.

At some point I must have fallen sleep because the sound of Nori growling pulls me from my slumber
"Nori what's up pup?" I ask him a little on edge but also it could be perfectly normal...I mean he's still a pup after all....
But all hopes I had of it being nothing went out of the window the sound of glass smashing rang through my quite house sending Nori into a barking frenzy
"Nori Nori baby shhhhhhhhh" I hiss at him gently hoping to sooth him but it does nothing to calm my pup down!
"Turn his place upside down!" I deep voice can be heard shouting "Someone find the girl" he then yells. Grabbing Nori, Sushi and the knife I make a mad dash for my parents huge walk in closet where I crough down hugging my puppy who was now carrying his favourite stuffie
"Please don't find us please don't find us please don't find us" I say over and over again as tears stream down my face
"Have any of you found her yet!" someone yells
"No not yet!" Another yells back
"Maybe she's not home" a third yells
The sound of my bedroom door being kicked in made me gasp and Nori begins to growl quietly
"Nori please shhhhhh baby" I shooth him my stoking his head softly
"No she's definitely home...the light and TV are still on!" A forth voice yells
"How many are there!?" I think to myself
"Just fucking find her!" The deep voice yells
Suddenly the wardrobe door flies open and I'm met by a an extremely large man with what looks like a mechanical eye?
"Hey boss I found her!" He yells making a reach for me
"Don't touch me!" I yell at him as more tears fall down my face. Nori instantly grips onto his out stretched arm
"Ahhhhhhh fucking dog!" The man yells trying to shake Nori off him. Worried that he may hurt my dog I make a quick decision to stab the man in the arm that Nori was currently latched to. Making him cry out in pain and hiss many many curse words at me. Grabbing his favourite plushie I made I run for it
"Nori come on baby!" I yell to him and he's quick to run behind me and follow me
"Boss she's making a run for it!" He man I had just stabbed yells
"Nori come on!" I yell running up to the 3rd floor of our house but soon realising that it was a bad idea "fuck" I hiss ducking into the bedroom and opening the window
"Okay Nori...just don't look down okay"  say to the puppy as I hand him the plushie and pick him up. Taking a deep breath I shimmy out of the window and shutting it quietly. Take a few seconds to catch my breath I way up my options...I either attempt to climb down and potentially die...or I go back inside and definitely die
"Seems we're a little fucked either way ah buddy?" I ask Nori with a shaking voice.
With wobbly legs i start to attempt to make my way down with a very heavy German shepherd puppy clinging to me for dear life but it's impossible... especially with no shoes on! Looking at my surroundings I notice that our only hope would be to jump into the pool...
Sliding down to the second story as best as I can I steady myself
"Okay Nori I need Sushi a second budd..." I say trying to prize the toy from my clearly scared puppy "hey hey hey baby it's going to be fine...please give me Sushi..." I say through sobs and eventually he does. I toss it gently near the pool so at least he can find it straight away
"Whoooo okay we go!" I say gathering up all the courage I can I throw myself and my puppy off second story and into my families large pool. I angle my body so I take the burnt of the impact with hurts like a bitch and almost knocks the wind out of me. I break the surface coughing and spluttering
"N...Nori go and get Sushi baby!" I call to my puppy and he does as he's told and I paddle behind him and quickly pull myself from the freezing cold water to the even colder air. My skin is bright red from the impact and the chilly air makes me feel like I've been hit by a million needles
"C...c...come on buddy!" I call as I start to run and he follows of course making sure to bring his best friend with him.
"Hey boss she's making a run for it again!" I hear someone scream.
"Oh come on!" I groan trying to run faster, keep my eyes on the men chasing and not fall over but I suddenly crash into something extremely hard.
I look up to met by a tall man with spiked red hair who I didn't recognize, gun shots ring out from inside my house when suddenly the two men I saw earlier walk out clearly covered in blood making my stomach drop...I go to run back the other way but the tall man quickly grabs me and pushes me behind him before shooting at the gang of men who were heading our way
"Get her out of her" the tall man says to the yellow head and the Ash blonde head
"Yes boss...come on" the yellow head says but I rip my arm from his grasp
"If you want to make it through the night I suggest you get in the fucking car!" The tall red haired hisses at me but I'm too shaken to actually move so the yellow head takes to throwing me over his shoulder which of course upsets my puppy who starts to growl
"Nori come on!" I call after him as the red head walks away with me. Deciding that Nori wasn't moving quick enough the Ash blonde haired boy grabs my dog and carried him to a slick black car and throwing us both in the back
"Dumb hair move your fucking ass!" I hear one of them shout and a few moments later the tall red haired man jumps in the back with us as the car is continuously shot at.

Yakuza Leader's Girl Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora