part 10

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Following him out to the front door he quickly throws something at me
"Put this on" he says grabbing keys from a hook. Looking at him confused I open it to see a hoodie
"I um...I don't..." I start but he looks at me
"Not up for arguments little's cold and I don't want you getting ill" he says sternly which made me fidget a little but I ultimately did as asked and slid the large hoodie over my head which came down to my thighs making him smirk at me
"I'm vertically challenged okay?" I huff pulling the sleeves up so my hands were visible
"I didn't say anything" he laughs opening the door for me
"You were thinking it!" I mumble walking past him and out into the cold air
"Actually I was thinking you look adorable" he smirks and I feel my cheeks heat up at his compliment
"W...will you stop that!" I hiss
"What?' He asks
"You can't just throw compliments out randomly..." I say trying to hide my growing heat that was now very very apparent on my face
"What not use to it?" he asks still smirking at me. I roll my eyes and decide to leave it there
"So what car are we taking?" I ask and he aims the keys at a beautiful black matt lamborghini "oh my god that's gorgeous!" I say my mouth hanging open
"Haha thanks" he smirks opening the door for me to step in and then getting in himself
"Did you know Lamborghini was founded by Ferruccio Lamborghini in 1963. The company is actually named after him. When he was younger Ferruccio Lamborghini had an interest in mechanics and farming machines. He also served as a mechanic to the Italian Royal Air Force in 1940...and the original lambos were tractors...." I say but I stop when I see him smirking at me
"How the hell do you remember all of that?" He chuckles strarting up the car and once again I feel my face go bright red
"I um...may have a photographic memory..." I say nervously
"Oh wow really?" He asks as he begins to drive...God this car feels like it glides!
It's beautiful!
"Haha's both a blessing and a curse..." I mumble looking out of the tinted windows at the dark night.
"Often causes me to nerd out as my mom likes to put it" I say nervously
"Got any other secret powers you wanna tell me about?" he asks flashing me a smirk which made the butterflies flutter in my stomach.
"Oh yeah I can read minds" I say rolling my eyes
"Okay...then what am I thinking right now?" He asks teasingly
"Going off what I know about're probably either thinking about where you're going to dump my body or you're thinking that my nerding out just adds to how adorable you find me" I say and he laughs while shaking his head.
"Was I right?" I ask looking at him.
"I'll never tell" he says through laughter
"Oh great I'm gonna die" I say with a sigh
"I'm not gonna kill you Rin...I promise..." he says giving me a reassuring smile
"And I should believe you because...." I ask
"If I was going to kill you wouldn't I have done it already?" He asks and I move my head form side to side
"Unless you plan on using me as randsom to get whatever it is you want from my parents" I say without thinking
"Hu...never thought of that..." he says and I shuffle uncomfortably in the seat
"Shit" I hiss and once again he laughs
"I'm messing...I'm not that kind of know that" he says and I look at him while he continues to focus on the road to wherever we were going
"Do I? I meant what I said...I hardly know you..." I say
"Okay fair point...what do you want to know?" he asks and I'm a little taken aback but I think
"How did you get into this lifestyle..." I ask and he chuckles
"My uncle" he says
"Wait really?" I ask turning to face him
"Yeah, my uncle was the head of the Yakuza?" He says looking at me quickly with a smile "my uncle never had any kids so when it came to handing over his business...he gave it to me" he says
"Hu...interesting" I say
"Alright my turn" he says and I feel my eyes widen "what made you want to go into law..." he asks
"Oh um...well I've always been interested in it really... I use to love watching all those murder case and trials...I just found it really interesting" I say "my parents weren't too happy with the carrier choice but I went with it" I say with a sigh "I graduated at the top of my class but I'm now doing my masters degree which I have a year left on I think" I say thinking about it
"Oh so you're already a fully trained lawyer?" he asks and I nod my head
"Pretty much..." I say
"You're an impressive girl Rin" he says and i feel my face go bright fucking red and i start to shuffle uncomfortably "alright my turn um....I dunno what else to ask really I mean it feel a little werid if I just pull out what's your favourite food or something?" I say with a small giggle which makes him laugh "oooo I know any secret talents?" i say a little too enthusiastically
"Now if i told you it wouldn't be a secret would it?" He says and I pout a little
"Meanine" I mumble
"Not too sure if it counts I mean it's not really a secret I just don't go around telling anyone but I can play piano and guitar" he says and I feel my heart pound a little more... great and he can play a musical instrument... just my fucking luck
"Hu...interesting" I say and I'm about to say something when a grand house in distance catches my's beautiful! Like a massive manor house! The kind you would imagine a lord or a king to live in!
"Oh my that your other home!?" I ask shooting forward making him chuckle a little
"Haha use to be my uncle' was left to me when he passed so I just kind of use it as a secret get away really" he says as we pull up the large gravel driveway...something in the way he said that made it obvious that he missed his uncle still
"I'm long ago did he pass?" I ask suddenly regretting it as I feel I may have pushed a little too much...
"4 years ago..." he says with a sigh
"I'm so sorry....what was he like?" I ask as he stops the car and takes the keys out and opens the door allowing the cold air to hit me
"Um...well I guess some people would call him an asshole... but that's just how he was... it was how he showed he cared. He wasn't one for affection so you could mainly tell from his expressions how he felt" he says hopping out with me following behind and heading towards the grand house
"Well he definitely had amazing taste in houses this place is incredible!" I say walking through the open door that Taishiro held open for me.
"You think?" he asks closing the door behind us
"Heck yeah! I mean look at all of the amazing architecture! This place is like something a king would live in!" I say holding my arms out and doing a little spin
"Glad you like it" he smiles and that's when I noticed a baby picture with what looked like a baby Kirishima but he has black hair....
"Care to explain?" I ask with smirk while picking up the picture and showing him.
"It changed colour when i got older" he says shuffling uncomfortably and i cock my one eyebrow making it clear I didn't believe him
"Nope you're definitely lying" I say
"I'm not" he laughs and I roll my eyes
"Proof or it didn't happen" I giggle
"What do you want me to do call my mom?" He asks looking down at me with easily the most gorgeous smile ever
"What would you say? Hey mom help me convince this girl I've kidnapped that my hair changed from black to red when i got older?" I ask fiddling with my glasses
"To be honest I think she would just relieved I mentioned a woman full stop" he sighs but that also answers a question that was at the back of my mind if he was single or not... not that I cared or anything!
"What your mom thinks your gay or something?" I ask walking through the most beautiful kitchen I have ever seen!
"No she's just the typical mother who wants grandkids" he laughs
"Oh my god is that the back garden!?" I squeal happily running through the back doors and to a massive well kept back garden which the house was beautiful but this place was amazing!
"Haha yeah it's definitely the best part of the house I would say..." he says joining me on the balcony which over looked the garden
"I can't believe this place! Everything about it is just incredible! Your uncle has extremely good taste" I say smiling up at him
"Thanks..." Kirishima says softly to me and my heart bangs against my rib cage violently then I had a sudden idea pop into my head
"Hey um.... strange question and you can totally tell me to get lost but..." I say and he looks at me "what is Kaminari and Hitoshi got married here?" I ask and his eyes go wide
"Married here?" he asks and I nod my head
"Yeah...I meant the place clearly means a lot to you and you said Kaminari was like your family... it's kind of like keeping your uncle involved" I say and he smiles at me before nodding his head
"You know what....that's actually a really good idea" he says wedding venues down...just a million things to go....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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