One || Macy Moore

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A fit of coughs erupted the silence of Tony's lab, panicked and pained.

Tony stood from his desk across the the room, setting down his tools.

J.A.R.V.I.S.'s mechanical arm serving Macy rotated toward Tony. "Sir, Lady Moore is stable and waking up."

Tony swatted away J.A.R.V.I.S., "I can see that," he walked over to the operation table, the tiny body rustling. "Macy," Tony stood next to her, waiting for a reaction.

Macy's eyelids fluttered open, revealing honey brown eyes. She sucked in a sharp breath, gasping. Her eyes flicked around quickly, wide as she took in Tony's lab. "Stark," she mumbled, seeing Stark Industries on a piece of equipment.

"Sir, she's going into shock," J.A.R.V.I.S. said over Macy's fumble of words that weren't lining up. "I'm elevating her legs."

"Where's the IV the hospital gave up in case of this?" Tony asked loudly, tilting up Macy's chin for more oxygen. He took the IV from J.A.R.V.I.S. as he brought over the the IV bag stand. "Here we go," Tony cleaned the crook of Macy's arm and pressed the butterfly needle into the protruding vein.

Macy's eyes grew distant, her breath slowly returning to normality. Coming to after a moment or so, Macy regained her full consciousness.

"Macy," Tony touched her hand, "you're okay."

Macy's eyes took back their strong colour as she stared at him, her mouth curved down in confusion. "You're Tony Stark."

Tony smiled, "Yes, I am." Taking out the IV after the right dosage was administered, he gave Macy room. "How do you feel?"

"Sore," Macy squinted, resting her head back. Wincing as J.A.R.V.I.S. lowered her legs again, she struggled to get up. Huffing in defeat, every part of her fell cold as a glow of blue caught her attention.

"Oh, boy," Tony quietly said.

"Wh- what the hell." Macy's eyes widened, a blue circle of light implanted into her chest. "Is it - oh my God." As the clamps keeping her to the table removed themselves, her eyes shot to Tony. "What did you do to me?"

"I saved your life. You're welcome." Tony moved back to his desk, glancing back to Macy as she examined the arc reactor in her chest.

"I would've rather died than have you put this thing into me." A rush of emotion seemed to flash through her eyes but quickly faded.

Tony faced her, leaning back on his desk. "Why are you so against it?" He crossed his arms, "It saved you."

"From the lab accident?" Macy asked as she carefully sat up, the top of her singlet starting at a point where the arc was visible.

Tony bit the inside of his cheek.

So she didn't remember.

"Yeah," he lied. Tony knew he should've told her, but a lot was already put on her. Pressing a button on his computer, he called Pepper. "Babe, could you come and take Macy to her room?"

"My room?" she slurred, finding herself growing drowsy almost instantaneously. "Mr. Stark, why do I have a room in your house?" She tipped slightly as she stood, her focus fading in and out.

Pepper clicked down to Tony's office, smiling as she saw Macy awake. After pressing in the password, she came in. "Let's get you upstairs," she said as she looped an arm around the staggering girl.

Macy looked up to Pepper, not completely sane due to a side mixed in her IV bag. "He put a multi - isotope radio decay cell arc in my chest."

Pepper glanced back through the glass to Tony as she took Macy up the stairs. "Yes," she nodded to Macy with a strange expression, "he did."

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