Home is dust and dust and dust

22 1 0

The song at the top is the song mentioned at the end. I hope you enjoy 💗

TW; underage smoking, underage drinking

(Word count; 2600)


After the longest ride ever, we finally get there. The worst thing is, there was nothing to look at but dirt for miles on end. I spotted one bus stop 30 minutes ago but that was it. We pull up at our house. All the houses around ours look abandoned. There is one big dump down the road where I'm guessing the entire town dumps their trash. It's overflowing. That might just be because the garbage truck never comes by.

"Wow. I'm so happy that this is the place we're gonna live for the next 5 years" I hear Val say behind me once we get out. I get a good lock at our house. It looks like it's built to blend in with the rest of the desert. it's all beige. 

Mom and dad ignore Valerie's comment, taking care of getting the boxes out of the car. "This is just great" Valerie groans. "I heard you the first time" I mumble. "Jesus, sorry Leo. I was just saying what we're all thinking".

I sigh "I know, I'm sorry. It's just that knowing this is gonna be the place I'll need to live for the foreseeable future is beyond upsetting" I say in a dull voice. "Very true" Valerie mumbles back before getting her box out and walking upstairs. I follow her up after getting my box. There are four bedrooms and two bathrooms, not all too bad. Val chooses the room with the steep wall and I choose the room with the biggest windows. I'm lucky Val didn't see the balcony.

I sit on the carpeted floor, in silence for a while. It's nice. My mind can be blank even if it's just a minute. Val comes to take a look and helps me decorate. Upsettingly enough, the inside is as dull as the outside. Beige wall, beige carpet, beige fucking furniture. Luckily my posters cheer it up a little. I got these really nice Pharcyde ones on one wall and the others are littered with little doodles and some photos Val got developed for me. There of me, Oxana and Devin last summer when the three of us took a bus to Mexico, Tamaulipas, Ciudad Victoria. The place my mom grew up in.

It was the best summer I ever had.

I can hear mom and dad arguing downstairs already. Valerie and I used to have this thing when they would be arguing late at night. She'd come into my room and blast Amy Winehouse's albums from her speaker. We would go lay down side by side with our ears right up to the speakers. I would always get horrible ringing in my ear after, but it was totally worth it.

We don't hang out like we used to. We don't have sleepovers anymore, we don't climb up to the roof to stare at the stars anymore, and we don't play with dolls anymore. I wish nothing changed. I wish we could've stayed kids forever. 

I and Val have a 4-month age gap. Our mom was cheating on my dad with this guy, her dad. She got pregnant and didn't wanna get an abortion. She fessed up to both my dad and the guy, Val's dad ran as soon as he heard, but my dad was stupid enough to stay. 

I and Val never talk about being half-siblings. It doesn't feel like we are. Sometimes I like to think that we were supposed to be twins. 


It feels like forever until Val comes into my room to buy us some dinner. It's 5 am. Dad always gives her money when he and mom are too busy filling out forms and shit. 

"I found this supermarket about a 20-minute walk away from here," she says and I can see the outline of a cigarette pack in the pocket of her pyjama shorts. "Seriously?" I ask surprised. "Yeah, turns out we won't starve and get eaten by the dog down the road," Val says before turning around wanting me to follow. I quickly hoist on some supermarket-appropriate clothes, a shirt and my pyjama pants. 

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