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The song at the start is the music video of the first song mentioned. It's really fucking good if you ask me.

TW; implication of suicide (but not the actual act of it)

(Word count; 675)


main OC face claims

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Being a teen in a family with two constantly arguing parents and a half-sister who won't leave you alone is absolute hell. Especially when you're moving to a completely different state. It's shit having to leave my friends. Not that I have a lot, but the ones I do have are good ones. Oxana, who I've known since Ukraine and Devin, who I met through Oxana because I was too afraid to go talk to her.

I said goodbye to them first thing in the morning. Morning meaning 3 fucking am. Oxana drove to my place with Devin, with pyjamas on and everything. They brought me an iPod with our songs downloaded on it. I cried. It was really bad. Still is. I still feel shit for having to leave. 

The first time I and my family moved was when I was 8. The only thing I remember from Ukraine is the language and the food my grandma used to make me. But what I remember from Louisiana is so much more. My room, the food, my friends, my school, the weather, and New Orleans as a whole. 

It's like I'm leaving a giant part of my memories behind, with nothing to carry them with me. Of course, I get to take most of my little knick-knacks and posters, it just isn't the same when Oxana and Devin aren't within skating distance. 

That's another thing, where the fuck am I going to skate in Las Vegas. I looked it up and apparently, there are only 8 fucking skateparks around. No, not even around. They're scattered all over Vegas. I don't have a car yet. Skating is really the only thing that I thought would save me from complete misery but I guess I'll just fucking die. Thanks, mom and dad.


I'm sitting in a car with three immature assholes. That should tell you enough about the way I feel right now. Horrible. Val has been blasting vines on her phone for ages now. She told me she won't turn it off, she needs to reminisce because Vine recently shut down. My mom has directions on full volume and keeps giving my dad wrong turns, ending up in him screaming at all of us, all the while the radio is playing some pop songs that my dad says need to stay on because 'it keeps me focused'. If I wasn't aware of the fact that I'm going to have to spend 24 hours in this mess I could laugh about this situation, but in a car when there's no space to take a break for a second, it's the absolute worst.

Valerie has finally fallen asleep and my mom and dad have concluded that they're both shit at map reading. The radio is turned down and suddenly I remember I have a full fucking iPod to listen to. And for a second, when I hear Roses by Outkast blasting into my ears, I think this drive might be survivable. 


The rest of the drive went by smoothly in the end. No long traffic jams, which might just be because our new neighbourhood is deserted. We had two stops, both at McDonald's. Mom kept nagging me for keeping my earphones in and Valerie ate all my fries claiming her cutting out carbs was a thing of the past. She also kept trying to explain her falling out with her 15th partner. This time it was about some girl named Jessica who turned out to not be gay after all. But 10 minutes later she was talking about a Spike, who was apparently homophobic. So I'm not sure.

I get that Valerie wants to talk to me about her relationships because mom and dad wouldn't ever listen to her rants, but come on now. Does she really think I care about who cheated on who and who did it with who? One-half of the kids she tells me about I don't know and the other half bullied me. 

I shut her down once me, myself and I by de la Soul started playing. A song I honestly can't miss just because of Val's gossiping. Finally, I can calm down. Minutes later, I fell asleep.


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