My skin is sand smooth

14 1 0

TW; underage drinking, underage smoking, abuse

(Word count; 2900)


"God. What the fuck is in this" I say cringing at the taste of Boris his beer. "It's German beer. More alcohol" Boris explains. Closing the fridge and walking to the back of the house, sliding open the door and sitting by the empty pool. He offers all of us a cigarette and we take it. I hate both the German beer and the Marlboro reds. However, I keep my spoiled mouth shut about it and finish both. 

I even accept the second cigarette Boris hands me. My eyes have nowhere else to focus on but his concentrated face when he lights the end of it. He frowns and scrunches his nose up. It has something really endearing to it. 

"In New Guinea" Boris starts as he pulls back "When I lived there, yah? We had bad fluids. Snakes, very dangerous and scary, unexploded mine shells from the second World War floating up in our backyard. Many geese died. Anyway, all our water went bad. Typhus. All we had was beer. Three weeks long me and my dad, even the Muslims, had nothing to drink but beer" 

"That doesn't sound too bad," Theo says. Boris pulls a face, making me laugh. "Had a headache the entire time. Local beer in New Guinea is very bad tasting. This is the good stuff. There's vodka in the freezer too" Boris offers. I'm about to say yes until Theo declines, saying it's too hot. I agree. Val looks disappointed, but I know she won't drink. She doesn't like to be drunk on her own.

We talk and sit by the pool for a little longer. 

"D'you guys wanna see my room?" Boris asks us. It makes me think of a little kid that has his friends come over for the first time. It sort of is like that. I wasn't expecting Boris his room to look the way it looked, definitely not smell the way it did. It reeked of stale Malboro's. Piles of dirty clothes and towels, along with piles of books. with a red hammer and sickle flag dropped over his mattress. Empty beer bottles and ashtrays everywhere. 

"You take girls up to this room?" Val asks him, laughing a little at the absolute mess. Val is a bit of a neat freak. She would always keep her room neat and tidy, if she had time she'd even clean my room. I like organized chaos. 

"Nuh, no hot girls here" Boris mutters. "Gee, thanks" Valerie sighs "Shut the fuck up, Valeria" I tease her, earning me a slap to the back of my head. I catch Theo smiling to himself, but before I can point it out Boris asks us if we want to watch s.o.s. iceberg. We all agree even though I'm pretty sure we all have no idea what it's about.

"You know the movie when she gets on the plane to rescue them from the ice " Boris explains leaving us with even more questions than before. However we never actually get to watch the movie. Where too busy talking and mostly listening to Boris his adventures. At some point, Boris turns on some Beatles album that I don't know the name of. I've never been really fond of the Beatles, but this mysterious album is really fucking good. So I don't mind it being on. 

After what felt like only a few minutes I look outside and notice it was much darker than when we got here. We're all starving.

"What's to eat?" Theo asks. "Bread and sugar" Boris answers. I hum in delight absently. My parents used to make me and Val a sugar sandwich for breakfast. It's better than it sounds. A thick layer of butter with a ton of sugar on top. Delicious.

 "You're kidding?" "You've never had white bread with sugar poured on top of it?"

"Nothing else?" Theo asks "We've got tons of pizza coupons, but they don't deliver this far out," Boris says pulling out a cigarette from his pack and lighting it. I kind of want a cigarette too and have Boris light it again. 

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