The materializing of consistency

16 1 0

Oasis is the best British band (besides The Clash).

TW; underage smoking, underage drinking, throwing up

(Word count; 2300)


I and Val haven't seen the blond-haired kid since Valerie asked about his mom, which is a week today. School starts in another week, but we're spending it sulking in the sun. Every day has been; waking up, swimming, going to the supermarket, eating, walking, sitting on the porch, smoking, drinking, going home, walking to the bus stop, waiting an hour for the bus to come, going to the strip, eating, getting back home very late, sleeping, and repeat. In that exact order.

Not that I don't like hanging out with Valerie, I absolutely do. It's just getting a little old. We've literally run out of things to talk about, which very is rare for us. It's the first week of August, and the weather is getting a little more bearable, but besides that, there's nothing new going on. 

I and Val are sitting on the porch in silence. I'm starving for a glass of water, but I'm too gutted to go inside and get one. Then, a miracle happens. A door is heard opening and a little blond-haired kid comes walking out. Sunglasses on with a literal bottle of vodka clutched in his hand. He's walking our way.

"You two look miserable" he points out "Very true" Valerie huffs. Taking the bottle from him, taking a swig, humming in delight and handing it over to me. I take a greedy gulp, craving for a buzz after all those beers. I hand it back to Theo who does the same. 

"Want to go take a random bus?" he asks and me and Val nod in sync. 


We sit on the bus for two fucking hours and only end up at the sunset park. At least it seems to delight Valerie. I and Theo stroll behind her while she takes shitty pictures with her new flip phone. We're sharing earphones and listening to the morning glory album. It's about five when the hotdog stands start pulling up. Theo barely contains his run and gets us three giant hotdogs. They take us 30 minutes to finish. 

The three of us sit on a bench talking about Theo's mom for hours. At eight, we decide to take the bus back home. This takes us another two hours. We are stumbling home, tired as ever, at ten. It's weird that a walk through the park is that tiring, but it all makes sense when the weather turns out to be 30 fucking degrees. 

We drink vodka outside on our porch till eleven. Theo goes home, or rather, I need to help the lightweight get home then stumble back down the street myself. I knock into almost every wall going up the stairs and throw myself down on Val's bed, hoping I don't throw up on it tomorrow.


 I wake up and everything is sore. I can hear Valerie throwing up in the bathroom and it makes me gag. I almost crawl to her. It's been a shit long time ago since we got drunk together and I guess we overestimated what a vodka bottle would do to our poor liver. 

I get Valerie and myself an aspirin and a shit ton of water. We lay in bed for the rest of the day. Theo comes by and we watch some movies downstairs. Mom and dad decided to be wonderful today and they cooked all three of us tamales oaxaqueños. We go through clueless, spy kids, love actually, oceans eleven and kill bill in just that one day.

Theo ends up spending the night and for the first time in a long time, I feel like a kid again.


Most days approaching school this is our routine. We get drunk, watch a shit ton of movies, and fall asleep in each other beds after talking for hours into the night. It's amazing. Until school begins. 

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